Few Simple Tips That Will Help You Protect Your Joints During the Winter

Simple Tips That Will Help You Protect Your Joints

The holidays are coming and passing but one thing still has no end, for at least two months that is. We are talking about the cold weather. Not many people like it, but it does not matter if we like it or not, because it is going to stay by our side during this winter period. But while for some of us, the cold weather is just a trigger for low mood, for others, and we are talking about those of you who are currently suffering from some arthritis especially, the cold weather is the trigger for your symptoms to increase. So, what is the point of this article? Well, as the topic suggest, we want to share some of the best tips on how to protect your joints this winter, regardless of whether you are suffering from arthritis or not.

Why is it so important to protect your joints?

Unfortunately, as we grow older, our bodies are changing. This process of change is what causes for you to feel an occasional back pain, or common injuries or stiffness in your joints in the morning. Plus, these changes are what increases the risk of the different types of arthritis, sprains, dislocations, etc. Now believe us when we tell you, you want to stay away from these conditions as far as you can. On the other hand, as much as these changes seem difficult, these risks are highly increased from the exposure of cold weather, regardless of the aging process. The sad truth is that the cold weather can even make walking difficult and not to mention that if there are snow and ice, your risk of fractures is especially high.

What tips do we have for you?

After hearing about all of the risks that our body is exposed to during the winter period, going out for even a brief walk sounds scary, we know. But, just because it is winter it does not mean that you should spend all of your time locked home, waiting for the spring to come. Even if you are facing a condition such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, there is no reason why you should not enjoy the winter days to their fullest! We just wanted to point out the importance of self-care, especially during the winter period. But enough about this, let’s review these few simple tips that are supposed to help you keep your joints strong and healthy this winter!

Watch your weight – Obesity not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and diabetes, among other conditions, it increases the risk for arthritis also. It also creates additional problems for those of you who are already suffering from any arthritis. What you need to do is make sure that you have a healthy, balanced diet in a combination with regular exercise to watch you weight and lose any unwanted body weight.

Exercise regularly – Not only will you be able to watch your weight and decrease the risk of so many conditions that are triggered by obesity, but you will also enjoy the beneficial effects of exercise as you notice how stronger your muscles and bones have become. There is also the benefit of increased balance as a way to prevent unwanted fractures. Exercise has been confirmed to decrease the visible symptoms caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Balance your diet – Eating a well-balanced diet consisted of proteins, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals plays a huge role in maintaining a healthy and fit body.

Must Watch: Foods That Fight Arthritis Pain I Wish I Knew Earliers

Via- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hejWbbJDS4E&t=1s

Water is your new best friend! – Just because it is winter, it does not mean that you need less water to stay hydrated as compared with summer. Make sure you drink your recommended 2 liters per day!

Say yes to knee supports – Your knees are introduced to a great risk as you grow older. What you need to do is use proper knee supports, especially during exercising or doing any other physical activities.

Go for a swim – Visit your local swimming pool once in a while to get a good swim in warm water that has been used to soothe joint pain caused by any reason.

Get a massage – There is no better way to relax than getting a massage. Not only will you feel relaxed and calm afterward, but the massage will decrease your joint and muscle pain and remove any trace of it!


Act smart and decrease the risk of any problems caused by the cold weather as well as any increased symptoms for those of you who are already facing any health condition, especially some type of arthritis. If you are suffering from any type of arthritis, let us tell you this – following your treatment plan and taking any supplements – e.g. JointFlex is, is one thing, but making an extra effort is what does the trick. Protect yourself from the cold weather and erase any possibility for your symptoms to worsen following our simple, yet effective tips that refer to your lifestyle and habits! Do not hesitate to make a change and improve your life!

Kathy Mitchell is a writer and avid researcher on the subject of Beauty, nutrition and general wellness. She likes to go out with her friends, travel, swim and practice yoga. In her free time, you can find Kathy curled up reading her favorite novel, or writing in her journal. To know more about her follow her on Google+, Facebook and Twitter. Official Email id: kathymitchell72@gmail.com
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