Although the world may be at a standstill, there’s ample opportunity to grow your business. Developing an advertising strategy could take your business to the next level. Think you have to hire an expensive team at a marketing firm? Think again. Today we break down 10 low cost advertising ideas.

1. Craft a Creative Logo

Don’t underestimate the power of a top-notch logo. Think of your logo as the first impression for your business. An eye-catching logo will make your brand memorable while a poorly designed one will easily be forgotten.

The great news is that you don’t have to hire a professional designer to craft a killer logo. Adobe has a free online logo maker that allows you to make gorgeous and unique logos.

2. Create Instructional Videos

Instructional videos are a valuable tool in digital marketing. Hiring an advertising firm can be costly, so consider contracting a video editing student to get the job done. They will provide the editing and producing skills you need for a fraction of the cost.

3. Engage on Social Media

Social media is also a resourceful tool in advertising. What’s great about social media platforms is that they’re totally free to use. All you need is a social media marketing strategy and some free time. 

4.Use Infographics 

Infographics are ultra-powerful. How? They provide easy-to-digest information for your audience and they help boost referral traffic. 

There are a few tools you can use to make infographics, some of them include Canva and PicMonkey. You can even hire an infographic designer for less than $20 on Fiverr.

5. Start a Blog

Blogging is an overlooked marketing strategy. Regularly producing blog content can increase traffic to your website and convert your audience into paying customers. You can hire a blog writer or save money by creating blog content yourself.

Read More: Indisputable Results Of Pay-Per-Click Advertising

6. Amp Up Your Email Marketing

Email marketing is the bee’s knees. The average ROI for email marketing is $42 for every $1 you spend. While you can hire a marketing firm to help you craft an email marketing funnel, platforms like MailChimp and ClickFunnels make it easy to DIY an email marketing campaign.

7. Improve Your Website 

A sluggish website that’s hard to navigate can hurt your business. Use this website audit guide to help spruce up your website and gain more conversions.

8. Offer Promos and Coupon Codes

Everyone loves a coupon code. Draw in potential customers with a juicy deal or promo. They’re easy to create and don’t cost a dime.

9. Start a Facebook Group

Facebook groups allow you to make valuable connections with other entrepreneurs and your audience. They also provide the opportunity to share blog posts or other marketing content.

10. Guest Blog Post

Guest blog posts are another underestimated marketing strategy. Guest posting on a blog will help you gain exposure in your industry and helps form valuable connections.

Want More Low Cost Advertising Ideas?

The list for low cost advertising doesn’t end here. There are more affordable ways you can take you business to the next level. If you want more advertising tips like these, follow our blog and subscribe to our newsletter!