Some novice entrepreneurs believe that the most difficult part in the restaurant business is to deal with paperwork, get all needed licenses and permits, find reliable suppliers, and decide on the business direction in general. But in reality, the hardest thing is to give people the reason to come back and not be able to stop talking about that wonderful place they were a couple of days ago.

If you are reading this article, most likely, you have already decided on the concept, menu, and location for your new restaurant. Now you are looking for some profitable and effective options for managing your business. Probably there is no better assistant than a mobile POS system. There are plenty of software solutions on the market right now but are all of them equally good?

Some POS systems offer detailed financial reports and carry out inventory, while others do an excellent job with tracking employees performance and build great customers loyalty programs.

You’d better selected an all-in-one software solution that makes business processes smooth and allows you to control them remotely not being present in your cafe, restaurant or bar. Let’s dive into the cloud POS systems world to see how exactly this software can help your business.

1.   Stay cross-platform

This may seem obvious but sometimes can become a real problem. There are cases when some POS systems support Android tablets or iPad only. So pay attention to these details when choosing the one for your business. You can select a cloud POS app that runs on iOS, Android, Windows, and Linux mobile operating systems depending on the list of devices you use.

2.   Select easy-to-use solutions

When choosing a POS system, test its interface. Does it seem clear and intuitive to you and your employees? It determines whether your staff will be able to learn how to manage and configure the system in a short time. Convenient menu navigation will help waiters take orders faster.

3.   Keep your data safe in cloud

You may think that cloud software solutions are great, but what about poor Wi-fi connection? A reliable POS system will take care of it. An off-line mode should allow working without the Internet for a couple of hours till the connection is there again. Accepting orders and printing receipts should go as usual while all data is temporarily stored on the device.  As soon as the Internet reconnected, the data should immediately synchronize with the cloud.

4.   Save money

This is probably the most pleasant advantage of software for restaurant owners. Cloud solutions require lower investments than old-school stationary ones. You can pay the subscription fee monthly or annually. The subscription includes cloud space (servers where your data is stored), front and back-office software and 24/7 technical support. As a result, you get a complete solution with minimal investment.

cloud POS system

5.   Spend less time on inventory

The inventory process can be a real headache for every restaurant business. To prevent ‘inventory panic’, you need a helper which will quickly and accurately cope with this task. Once you have a successful inventory in place, you can spend the released time and energy developing your business or thinking through new promotion ideas to increase your customers’ loyalty.

Among the huge number of competitors, a successful restaurant owner is always a few steps ahead. Let advanced technologies help you to stand out from the crowd by providing the best service—choose the POS system that perfectly fits your business type.