Productivity is something that can make or break your tape manufacturing business. As time goes, the culture also changes, and this can affect your business. Finding ways to improve your tape manufacturing business comes down to having a thriving workforce and keeping yourself up to date with technology. Employee talent is a crucial asset, and you must motivate them to work and deliver outstanding results. If you are struggling to improve production in your tape manufacturing business, there are several things you can do to increase it without affecting your quality. Read on to discover the top tips to improving your tape business in 2021.

  1. Review your Workflow. The best place to start working on improving your productivity is to check for any lacking areas in your workflow. Reviewing your tape manufacturing business means considering factors such as employees, hardware, technology, and the physical act of production. You can also look at the level of communication in the workplace and the variety of resources needed to complete the manufacturing process.
  1. Communication Strategy. Quality communication strategies can build a sense of unity between you, your workforce, and clients, which is essential when improving your tape manufacturing business. Internal mobile communication is more than just passing information. Just like mobile devices transformed our daily operations, they can revolutionize your company. Since most of your non-desk workers may not have access to the office email, you can have a communication strategy that will keep them in regular contact with the others. You can create a single portal for systems within your company, where your employees can have all their tools in a single interface. You can also break down the hierarchies for communication and problem-solving.
  1. Embrace Artificial Intelligence. Currently, the most successful manufacturing industries leverage technology in their workforce. The technology ensures easy access to communication and collaboration, even to off-site employees. Embracing AI can improve your production by helping you to schedule work and meet deadlines. With AI-assisted manufacturing technology, you can get analytical information in real-time to adjust your production or schedule equipment maintenance accordingly. AI provides you with information when you need it, which empowers you to get things done in a shorter time. As such, AI can ease your workload, reduce time wastage, and improve your tape manufacturing company.
  1. Diverse Workforce. The manufacturing industry is facing a labor shortage and a widening skill gap. Most of the previous workers are approaching retirement, and millennials are not considering careers in manufacturing. You need to develop a new hiring strategy that attracts diverse talents. A diverse workforce will improve productivity and provide different and innovative opinions on ways to improve your tape manufacturing business.
  1. Continued Workforce Education. The technology era is here, and it has changed how companies manufacture goods. Technological advancement means that your workforce requires a different set of skills to keep up with the competition. With a mobile communication tool, you can increase your current employees’ skills with education and training. Your employees need to learn how to communicate effectively and keep up with smart machines. Continued training creates a deeper employee engagement and provides them with more autonomy as they get more cerebral roles.
  1. Equipment. You cannot increase the productivity of your company if your equipment is not working correctly. Replacing tape manufacturing equipment can be expensive. As such, ensure you prioritize maintenance. Equipment loans can help you to cover maintenance or replacement costs. However, remember that it is also vital to ensure that your employees are competent operators of these machines. If your workers cannot troubleshoot bugs or recalibrate company equipment, it may be harder to improve your tape manufacturing business.
  1. Safety. As you embrace technology and improve your workforce, remember to update your safety measures. Transfer all your safety messaging to any new system you install. You might realize how these messages can ensure that you reach all your employees in a short amount of time. You can also introduce a workforce app where your employees can access and sign safety forms. Such apps can also help you track and follow up on employees who have not read their messages. A mobile communication tool can also reduce workplace accidents, which is essential for continuous workflow.

These tips will not only support a thriving workforce but will also place your company at the top of the tape manufacturing business. Ensure you contact Elite Tapes for the best tape for any application.