People of African American, black, or Afro-Caribbean origins generally have very curly hair that shows a tight curling behavior both under the scalp and the surface. Like all hair types, afro hair is prone to excessive fallout and baldness. Black men can suffer from male pattern baldness and traction alopecia. Male pattern baldness is a common situation that men of all ethnicities can experience and leads to a receding hairline. Traction alopecia, which is regional baldness caused by tight hairstyles such as cornrows, is specific to African American, black, and Afro-Caribbean men. Similarly, Black women can suffer from traction alopecia since they frequently wear braids, weaves, buns, rollers, and cornrows. Such excessive hair loss can be disturbing and call for a need for a hair transplant. However, because of the unique nature of afro-typical hair, afro hair transplant is often considered to be a difficult process that requires specialization.

In Turkey, experienced surgeons and clinics offer successful afro hair transplant results. If you are looking for a place to revive your afro hair, look no further!

Is Hair Transplant Suitable for Black People?

The idea that hair transplant is not suitable for black people is now shattered with the improved technology and cumulated experience over the years. Previously, traditional hair transplant procedures were not suitable for an afro hair transplant because of the unique structure of the hair roots. The curly structure underneath the skin causes hair grafts to occupy a much wider area than straight hair types. Standard tools could easily damage the healthy hair grafts during the operation leading to low success rates and undesired results. However, thanks to novel technological improvements, afro hair transplant is now possible and gives as successful results as any other hair type.

Which Methods are used for Afro Hair Transplant?

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) and direct hair implantation (DHI) methods are proven to provide great results for afro hair transplant.

In the FUE method, hair follicles are extracted individually with the help of a punch tool or with a manual punch technique, collected in a suitable environment and then planted in the target area. Small incisions are created where hair follicles will be planted. For afro-typical hair, a punch tool with a wider applicator is used. In order to see if your skin shows any scarring on the donor area, you can ask for a patch test. 

The DHI method is considered the improved version of the FUE method. A special device called the Choi implanter pen is used for this method. Choi implanter pen allows the use of a wider applicator for curly hair types. This device extracts and loads the hair grafts at the same time and eliminates the collecting step. Hair follicles are extracted and planted one by one. Because it is a more sophisticated technique it requires experience and high precision but also offers great afro hair transplant results.

DHI method offers effective results and less risk of scarring. However, the FUE method offers more control over the depth of incision and extraction angle which can come in handy in challenging areas. To decide which method is more suitable for you, you can consult with your surgeon beforehand.

Which Methods are used for Afro Hair Transplant

How Long Does It Take to See Significant Hair Growth?

How long does it actually take to revive afro-typical hair? This must be the most asked question by people considering a hair transplant. After an afro hair transplant operation, it takes a while for the hair follicles to settle into place and capillary vessels to form around them. Paying attention to keep on top of the aftercare is extremely important for a successful result. Black people can expect the newly transplanted hair to start growing after 3-6 months of the operation. It usually takes 12-14 months to see the complete results of an afro hair transplant. From then, you can start to enjoy a healthy head full of curly goodness!

Read More: How To Deal With Recovery After A Hair Transplant

What is The Cost of Afro-Hair Transplant in Turkey?

As an African American, black, and Afro-Caribbean people, you may find the best afro hair transplant clinic in Turkey. Due to great medical education throughout the country and surgeons specialising in afro hair transplant, you have plenty of trustworthy clinic options to choose from. Furthermore, the afro hair transplant prices in Turkey are much lower than in any other European country and the USA.