Keyword research, well-structured pages, good user experience, and easy design and topography of the page attract more organic traffic than pages that are not given any thought. These On-page optimizations are important to make your pages perfectly optimized for the search. On-page SEO is an important aspect of SEO strategy. The below points will kick start your journey in optimizing your website, but if you need any help, please feel free to contact Atlanta SEO Company. So this article tells you how to create your pages to optimize them for people and search engines.

Search intent and your content go hand in hand

Search intent is the way of the search, meaning why did the person do this search? There are four types of searches people make including:


The searcher is looking for information.


The searcher is looking for a particular website.


The searcher is looking to purchase a particular product.

Commercial investigation

The searcher wants to purchase a particular product or service, but they read reviews and weigh their options.

To rank in a search engine, you will need to be the most relevant result of the searches people make. That is why it is important to create content that aligns with the search intent.

Make sure to check SERP reliability and check the history of your targeted keyword’s ranking. Ensure your content is according to the type of content in the search result, the top-ranking format of content, and the angle of content, meaning what searchers value when doing the specific search. Also, don’t forget to analyze the search results as well as the current top-ranking pages.

Create short but informative URLs

The URL of your web page should introduce your topic. It may be difficult to change, again and again, so you should get it right the first time around.

First, you should gather target keywords and phrases that are used on your web page. Then you should give it a logical structure. If possible, you should use words instead of long numbers. Google advises making the URL as short and straightforward as possible.

Create Persuasive Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and Meta descriptions are two of the features utilized by search engines to generate search results. They appear on the page in search results.

The title tag should be powerfully built around your target keyword. It should be convincing enough to make the searcher visit your website by clicking on the link.

Similarly, Meta descriptions also affect the click-through rate and thus on the flow of traffic to your site.

Title tags should not exceed 71 characters, and Meta descriptions should not exceed 155 characters.

Read More: Best Practices for Mobile SEO

Create optimized structure with H1 and H2

Your content should be structured clearly and properly. You can use HTML format for the headings, which allows the search engines to understand each part of your page’s structure and importance. It also helps people to understand your content.

Header 1

H1 should ideally contain the primary target keyword. And this heading should be reserved for the title of your content.

Header 2

H2 should be used for the title of the significant sections of your content. This heading should also contain the targeted keyword and additional keywords that you want to include. Subheadings used inside this heading should use header 3 and so on.

Add optimized images

Images improve the outlook of your content, and they build the interest of people. But they can be difficult for search engines to understand.

So to help the search engines to understand the image, you should use alt tags. The alt tag is a caption that describes and explains the image, making it easier for a search engine to identify the image.

You can use tools for adding alt tags, but you can also enter them manually.

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