Best ways to get over a Breakup


Ending a relationship is incredibly difficult no matter the reasons. The end of a relationship spells the end of a period in your life, so you are mourning not only the loss of your companionship but also of the end of a path you were on and a part of your life. Being able to move beyond this pain and embrace the new path you are on is difficult but can be done. Below, we offer some advice on methods to help you get over your break up.

4Meditate, don’t medicate.

Avoid relying on your vices to help you through this time and resist the urge to stuff down your feelings using chocolate and food.

When you are going through an emotionally fraught time like a breakup, it can seem like the perfect time to break out the buckets of ice cream and bottles of whiskey, but in reality this will only push you further away from getting over your breakup.

Your body is your temple and filling it with alcohol, drugs or sugar will only make you feel physically depleted and cause you to spiral into a depression. When you have urges to medicate, try to go for a walk, meditate or do yoga. Try having a five minute guided meditation downloaded to your phone that you can keep with you and listen to when you become overwhelmed.

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