Many people experience the side effects of traditional medicines, such as dizziness and gastric ulcer when taking pain killers, and the addictive nature of opioids, sleeping pills, and anxiolytics and anti-anxiety medications.

It’s a good thing that natural alternative treatments are available, such as cannabidiol or CBD products. CBD can help manage the signs and symptoms of many medical conditions, including pain, anxiety, insomnia, arthritis, and seizure disorders.

In this post, you’ll learn if CBD can be used in place of addictive medications, and to guide you accordingly with regards to your medication choices.

Cannabidiol Has No Known Side Effects

The most addictive prescription drugs in the world include pain killers, sleeping aids, and anti-anxiety medications. These drugs cause side effects, such as stomach ulcers, dizziness, and liver damage. While sleeping pills address sleep issues, these drugs are not a hundred percent safe. For example, people who take zolpidem, a popular sleeping aid report side effects, such as headache, dry mouth, dizziness, weakness, stuffy nose, and light-headed feeling.

On the other hand, CBD products don’t have any known side effects. It is a safe and natural alternative to addictive pharmaceuticals. Cannabidiol or CBD can be used as an alternative treatment for mild sleeping problems. Because CBD has no known side effects, many people resort to taking CBD oil, tincture, vape, edibles, and topical products instead of their traditional counterparts.

The World Health Organization or WHO says that CBD is safe even when consumed in high doses. The medicines that an individual is taking may cause CBD-medication interaction, which is the only reason pointed out by WHO that might result in potential side effects.

CBD Is Proven Effective 

Cannabidiol or CBD directly works with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system or ECS. The ECS is composed of cannabinoid receptors, mostly seen in the nervous system (CB1 receptors), like the brain and spinal cord, and the immune cells and the rest of the body (CB2 receptors).


CBD is proven effective based on anecdotal evidence and several clinical and research studies. For instance, Charlotte Figi, who was then just a toddler, was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome, a rare seizure disorder that stopped her heart and endangered her life several times. Her parents tried every traditional medical treatment possible and eventually gave her high CBD medical cannabis, which drastically decreased her seizure episodes from hundreds of seizures a month.

CBD Can Help Manage Signs and Symptoms

CBD is an effective treatment in managing different signs and symptoms of medical disorders, such as arthritis, epilepsy, cancer, HIV/AIDS, anxiety and depression, and degenerative disorders (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s Disease).

Here’s how CBD can help you manage signs and symptoms effectively:

  • CBD as Stress Reliever: CBD has stress relieving properties. It can reduce anxiety among patients with a general social anxiety disorder or SAD. Because CBD has anti-anxiety properties, it has the ability to calm the senses, bringing relief to stressed individuals. That’s why CBD can be used to replace addictive anxiolytic or anti-anxiety medications.
  • CBD Has Anti-inflammatory Properties: CBD also limits inflammation in the nervous system. It benefits people who experience pain, insomnia, and those with immune-system responses. CBD topical can be sued as a replacement for traditional topical skin preparations to reduce skin irritation and inflammation.
  • CBD Is an Effective Pain Killer: According to a trusted source, CBD restricts the anandamide absorption, which is a pain-regulating compound. Increased anandamide levels in the bloodstream help reduce pain, like those who have arthritic pain, back pain, and migraine. That’s why CBD can be used as an alternative pain treatment.

CBD Can Be Consumed in Different Ways

CBD consumption is flexible and convenient to use, making it an ideal treatment alternative. You can take CBD tincture or CBD oil sublingual or under the tongue, or CBD edibles or CBD-infused food and beverages, perfect when you want a discreet way of taking your daily dose of cannabidiol.

Many people rely on over-the-counter oral pain medications, like NSAIDs. These drugs are usually also used in the treatment of pain, such as arthritis, migraine, and menstrual cramps, reducing the production of prostaglandin to reduce inflammation and pain. However, NSAIDs have unwanted side effects, such as heartburn, ulcers, headache, and bleeding because they are usually ingested. Also, there’s a high risk of liver damage because the drug passes the liver.

With CBD, you can vape it to experience the faster onset of effects, like pain-relief and reduced anxiety, only a few minutes after vaping. You can also apply CBD on your skin to get rid of skin rashes, redness, and irritation through CBD creams, lotions, salves, and balms. Apply a little amount of CBD balm on your forehead or any aching muscle to relieve headache and muscle pain. CBD topical solutions are soothing and very relaxing.


CBD products can be used in place of addictive medications because they have no known side effects. Also, CBD is proven effective and can help manage the signs and symptoms of various medical conditions. It can be used as a dietary supplement in the form of edibles, tincture or oil, topical solution, or vaped.

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