There are 10,000 different types of microbes living inside our bodies. These bacteria outnumber our human cells by a 10 to 1 ratio.  

Most of these bacteria are inside our gut, working to benefit our health. Maintaining your bacteria balance is essential for helping the body to function better.

So, what exactly do these microorganisms do for us? Here are 5 impressive facts about probiotics that everyone should know.

1. Hundreds of Species of Bacteria Live Inside Your Gut

Your gut is home to many different types of bacteria, both good and bad. Anywhere between 500 to 1,000 different species of bacteria live inside our gut.

Your body even has more bacteria living inside of it than it does cells. There are about one hundred trillion of these microorganisms working inside of you. Together all these bacteria weigh about 3 pounds, which is more than the human brain.

Most of these microbes are helpful to the body and provide us with probiotic benefits. These bacteria are responsible for many of the body’s systems and functions. 

2. Probiotics Can Help Improve Digestion

One of the main health benefits of probiotics is improved digestion. These bacteria live in the intestines and digestive tract. Here they can aid in the digestive process and help other parts of the body. 

Keeping a balance of bacteria can keep the body in a healthy state. Probiotics work to break down and remove harmful toxins. This helps to fight infections and diseases. 

Probiotics are essential for helping with gastrointestinal issues. This includes diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and gas. These bacteria are also an effective method for helping children treat infectious diarrhea.

Probiotics may be able to reduce symptoms of stomach viruses and stomach ulcers. They can also help to prevent urinary tract infections and irritable bowel syndrome.

Those suffering from certain inflammatory bowel diseases may also find relief with probiotics. This includes people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Probiotics even aid in the body’s ability to break down and digest protein and fiber. This can impact one’s diet and wellbeing, helping to maintain a healthier lifestyle. 

3. Having an Imbalance of Bacteria Can Effect Your Wellbeing

It’s important to maintain the right balance of good and bad bacteria in your body. Lifestyle choices, diet, and certain medications can affect your bacteria balance. This includes antibiotics and birth control pills, which can remove healthy bacteria.

An imbalance of bacteria can affect many different parts of your body. As these powerful microorganisms support your brain, heart, and immune system. They aid the body by producing antibodies as well.

Probiotics also work to help produce vitamins in the body. This includes vitamin K, vitamin A, biotin, and folic acid.

Diseases and Infections

An imbalance of bacteria can cause inflammation in the body. It can affect your blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well.

Certain diseases may also worsen without enough healthy bacteria in the body. Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis are some diseases affected by this. Probiotics may even be able to lower the risk of certain types of cancer.

These microbes even live on our skin and inside our mouth, nose, and lungs. This means good bacteria can prevent respiratory infections, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Taking probiotics can help avoid bad breath and body odors. They are responsible for female vaginal health as well. Those who take probiotics notice an improvement in vaginitis, often caused by inflammation.

Mental Health

Probiotics are responsible for our mental health as well. They help support cognitive functioning and stabilize our moods. As 95% of the serotonin our body makes comes straight from our gut.

Good bacteria work to improve memory function. It can help lessen symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Probiotics may even lower one’s risk of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Allergies and Skin Conditions

Allergies, like asthma, may even be improved with the help of probiotics. These benefits also relate to lactose intolerance and other food sensitivities.

Probiotics supplement benefits work to improve the skin’s health and relieve skin conditions. These include psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

4. Probiotics Can Protect Pregnant Women and Their Babies

A proper probiotic balance is also important for expecting mothers and infants. Probiotics can help prevent other infections, like listeria. This bacteria can be especially harmful to a growing fetus.

Probiotics help the body to produce folic acid. This is an essential vitamin for expecting mothers and helps to reduce the risk of birth defects.

A mother’s bacteria pass into her baby during vaginal delivery. Good bacteria from probiotics will help to support the newborn’s immune system.  

Breastfeeding mothers can also pass probiotics from their own diet to their babies. Probiotic-rich breastmilk may be able to help prevent infant colic. You can find high quality and affordable probiotics from Vita Living.

5. You Can Find Probiotics in a Variety of Foods

You can add active probiotics to your diet through a few different food sources. Most natural yogurt contains these active cultures. Buttermilk, kefir, cottage cheese, and certain aged cheeses are other dairy options.

Many fermented foods will also provide a good source of probiotics. This includes kimchi, tempeh, sauerkraut, and kombucha.

Miso, pickles and some soy products are other alternatives. You can even find probiotics in some fortified-cereals and sourdough bread.  Another alternative is to take dietary supplements. 

Probiotics to look for include L. acidophilus, L. casei, and bifidobacteria. L. gasseri is another common healthy bacteria found in foods. You can follow this guide for more facts about probiotics and where to find them.

Key Facts About Probiotics for a Healthier Lifestyle

These facts about probiotics show that they can enhance your health and wellbeing. The right balance of good bacteria helps to protect your heart, mind, and body. It can even ward off certain diseases and illnesses to prolong your life.

Looking for more tips on natural methods for improving your wellbeing? Check out the health section of our blog for all the latest.

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