If you or a loved one have begun to notice signs of memory loss you may have a lot of questions. It can feel like a very uncertain and unpredictable time full of unknowns. In this article we will cover some of the most common questions asked via the internet related to memory loss.
How to Improve Memory Loss
There are activities that can be done by those who suffer from cognitive decline to either lessen the related symptoms or to improve quality of life while dealing with the symptoms. It is easiest to start with the activities that the affected person already enjoys. Memory loss can be agitating and it can lead to frustration. Choose one of the activities from the below list to start with.
- Exercise
- Puzzles
- Gardening
- Music
- Socializing
All of these activities and more are offered within a memory care facility. Depending on the exact circumstances and the severity of the decline, this may be a very good option for you or a loved one. These Idaho memory care facilities have specialized therapies for those with memory loss. They also have a safe and secure environment.
Can Memory Loss Be Reversed
The answer to this question is dependent upon the root cause of the memory loss. Most age-related memory loss cannot be reversed. There is little to no research showing improvement in age-related memory loss once it has begun. There is much research being done on drugs to help with this issue, but nothing that has been proven to work as of yet.
Memory loss that is related to stress, medication, depression, alcohol or other similar causes is likely temporary and can be treated.
What Causes Memory Loss
There are hormones in our bodies that protect and repair brain cells. When those hormones are not produced properly it can directly affect memory. Certain kinds of memory loss are caused by a specific head trauma, a reaction to a medication or a side effect from taking illegal drugs. The list of possible causes of memory loss is very long. However, this article will be aimed toward age-related cognitive impairment.
How is Memory Loss Related to Old Age?
Just as all aspects of physical health start to decline with age, the brain is no exception. There are certain aspects of forgetfulness that are completely normal. The following are a few examples of when it may be time to consult a doctor about serious memory problems related to age.
- Getting lost in familiar places
- Repeating things often
- Neglecting daily care needs
- Unable to remember words
- Misplacing items frequently
What Age Does Memory Loss Begin
After age 65 the frequency of memory loss increases. Statistics show that 40%, almost half of those 65 or older, experience memory loss. This type of cognitive decline typically continues as we age, and has no proven effective methods of slowing the rate of occurrence or reversal.
Is Memory Loss a Sign of Dementia?
Memory loss is indeed a symptom of dementia. However, just because someone experiences occasional memory loss it does not necessarily mean that they will go on to develop dementia. Dementia is when memory loss starts to negatively affect daily living. Dementia is defined as those suffering from impairment of at least two brain functions.
The Difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s falls under the umbrella of dementia. Dementia is a general term for thinking disabilities that affect daily life. Alzheimer’s is a specific disease that makes up more than half of all dementia cases.
Alzheimer’s often affects not only memory, but social skills and personality as well. Alzheimer’s is its own disease, is not reversible, and is degenerative leading to death. Nine years is the average life expectancy once someone is definitively diagnosed with Alzheimers.
How Memory Care Can Help
Idaho memory care offers specific amenities such as a safe and secured facility to be confident that your loved one will not wander. The caregivers in memory care facilities are qualified to meet the specific needs and challenges of elderly adults suffering from dementia. Programs such as music therapy are great for reducing stress and anxiety, and maximizing quality of life, especially for those in their final years of Alzheimer’s disease. Contact your local Idaho memory care for more information.