What are diagrammatic reasoning tests?
Diagrammatic reasoning tests are designed to assess your logical reasoning skills. Employers use these career quiz or tests to determine which candidates applying for a role have the critical thinking needed to succeed. They are particularly likely to be used in managerial or engineering recruitment, as these jobs require similar competencies to those found in the test.
What does that look like on paper?
You’ll be presented with a series of shapes, patterns or figures and there will be multiple answer options for each problem. You’ll be expected to deduce the rules which can be applied across the sequence, thus logically working out what would come next.
How do I tackle them?
First things first, don’t rush! Of course you need to be mindful that the test is timed, but it’s important to calmly observe the problem. Then, break the given sequence into smaller parts and analyse each one individually. Assigning labels to each operator can help you monitor the flow of the sequence more easily.
How do I cope with the time pressure?
Normally the whole test will be timed, but occasionally each question has a set limit. However your test has been set up, just make sure you allow yourself enough time to answer each question, and ideally some time at the end to go back over anything you found challenging or didn’t finish.
What skills do I need?
You’ll be examined on your critical thinking, strong decision-making and logical reasoning. These are all skills that you’ll use time and time again in the world of work.
How do I prepare?
Practice, practice, practice! There really is no substitute for it. Making time to go through practice diagrammatic reasoning tests will boost your confidence, increase your speed and accuracy and ultimately help you to better understand what’s being asked of you on the day. Diagrammatic reasoning tests are certainly challenging as they require critical thinking and concentration that you might not use on a daily basis. If you’re finding the tests hard, don’t give up. The more you practise the more you’ll improve – and it won’t be long before you’re confidently exercising your new skillset to great success.