We are living in a digital age, of that there is no doubt and with the arrival of the Internet of Things and 5G speeds, today’s business demands high speed digital connectivity and a secure IT infrastructure from which to operate. Cloud computing solutions allow for flexibility; access data from any physical location, thanks to a secure network set up by professionals, who monitor the network 24/7.

Structured Cabling

With the best structured cabling provider in Forth Worth, your IT infrastructure is top-notch and they manage the system to ensure that you have 24/7 connectivity. As your business develops and you need more office space, the cabling can be added as required. If you would like a free consultation to assess your cabling & telecommunications needs, search with Google to locate a local provider and they would be happy to oblige.

VoIP Communication

Forget cell networks; voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) bypasses the telecommunication carriers who charge by the minute. Talk to a managed IT services provider about VoIP communication and you will be happy to learn that real-time video is actually cheaper than cell phone calls, plus you can arrange video conferences with your sales team, wherever they might be located. You have many powerful features including a virtual whiteboard for easy exchange of ideas and file sharing and updating in real time is a game-changer. Set up some wireless routers throughout your office and your staff can wear headsets and communicate on the move; what could be more efficient?

Cloud Secure Data Storage

Storing your business data on remote secure servers makes sense for a number of reasons; all employees have password protected access using any digital device – upload in real time and share with the people who need to know. This is an essential aspect of a connected organization and your network should be protected by cyber-security professionals; every business is at risk of cyber-crime, with hackers that trawl the web, searching for unprotected users. What would you do if your customers’ critical financial data was stolen? This kind of thing happens regularly and that could spell disaster for your business; simply put, it just isn’t worth taking the risk, especially when you can assign cyber-security to a local managed IT services company. Here is some information about e-commerce and how it is exponentially growing.

Data Collection & Storage

Google saw the value of data a long time ago and every organization must keep all the data that they generate, which builds up over time. At first, you can store data securely remotely, but after a few terabytes, you need to set up a data center, something a white glove logistics company can do. Fiberglass telecommunications bring instant connectivity and by installing the next generation of cabling, every department will be on the same page.

The Threat of Data Theft

Every organization is at risk of data theft and that is why you need cyber-security to protect your network; penetration testing is the best way to find out how secure your network is. Ethical hackers use all the tools at their disposal to try and breach your defenses and if they do manage to gain access, a security patch can be applied. You would be surprised to learn how common data theft is; the FBI have an entire department dedicated to digital fraud and the cyber-criminal develops new ways of breaching networks.

As your business grows, you can expand your IT infrastructure to ensure that your business processes are streamlined. Partner up with a managed IT service provider and they can help you maintain a high level of IT integration. Make best use of specific business software, which can eliminate double handling and automate many of your processes and with a strong IT infrastructure in place, your business can enjoy steady growth.