Sat at home with your partner one evening after work relaxing watching TV, she comes up with something completely out of the blue. She wants you to have a pet. You are not really from a pet owning family, but if it makes your loved one happy, then fair enough.
Following discussion, you decide upon a dog. You state that you want a loveable one that likes walks and is playful, rather than some of the more threatening types you used to come across as a postie that would make your job a nightmare at times. Walkies will be good for you as well, having put on the pounds since changing jobs!
You decide if you are going to have a pet dog, you want your pooch to be in the healthiest condition possible so that it will enjoy life and you will enjoy showing it off to your friends and family. One way of helping to ensure its good health is to keep your dog’s teeth clean. It is important for many reasons.
- Like humans, a dog’s teeth can suffer from dental disease such as plaque. This leads to gingivitis, which, if left untreated it will lead to swelling gums and a loss of teeth. A sign of gingivitis is bad breath along with an accumulation of yellow tartar.
- Untreated gingivitis leads to periodontal disease which sees receding gums, which in turn creates gaps between a tooth and gum which can become infected. Even worse for the family pet is an abscess. As any human who has suffered from one knows, it is absolute agony and should be prevented by any means possible. While considering the welfare of the new member of the family, it is also a good idea to consider how to keep the house super clean after their arrival.
- Dental sticks will help to keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy. When choosing the right sort from an expert company in animal health, the four-leaf clover shape will gently clean the teeth.
- Your dog will enjoy the taste of the stick which includes ingredients that will target plaque and tartar, thus helping to keep your pet’s mouth and teeth as clean as possible. You can then head out for some of the great dog walks on offer near a major city.
Ensure your dog has healthy teeth and eradicates bad breath by treating it to dental sticks.