From reducing daily stress to increasing the number of options available to you, it’s clear that saving money is very important. Of course, when you’re one of the 80% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, it can be hard to think about saving money. With bills to pay, groceries to buy, and your rent or mortgage to pay each month, saving may seem like a luxury you simply can’t afford. Even so, most financial experts and economists agree that saving is a luxury you can’t afford not to afford. One way to break the paycheck to paycheck cycle is to increase your income. Here are several hands-on jobs that pay well to consider when you’re looking for a way to increase your annual income.

Become a swimming pool contractor

Although many careers in manual labor are thought of as not paying very well, there are actually many jobs to consider that pay much better than an office job. Swimming pool contractors are one such example. As a swimming pool contractor, you’ll be tasked with installing, repairing, and servicing homeowners’ pools and hot tubs. Swimming pool contractors make a good living, too, with the average salary coming in at about $50,000, and hourly rates resting between $15 and $24 an hour. That means that if you’re a swimming pool contractor in New Jersey, you’re making almost twice the minimum wage, which is a hefty pay bump to help you increase your income.

Get a job in the roofing industry

Getting involved in the roofing industry also offers you the chance to make more money as a contractor. As a roofing contractor, you’ll help repair damaged roofs as well as install and replace new roofs. While some general contractors are able to perform these tasks, depending on their specializations, becoming a specialist in roofing will offer you a higher pay grade and more customer trust. According to PayScale, the average national salary of a roofing contractor is about $53,000. Paid hourly, a roofing contractor in Maine can make about $17 an hour. While Maine is known for having one of the higher minimum wages in the country at $11 an hour, this is still a substantial change in income and well worth the job switch if you want to make more money.

Increase your income with a job in the automotive field

Although it does take some extra schooling and specialization, finding a job in the automotive field is an excellent way to increase your income. Whether you’re looking to focus on automotive bumper repair and other collision services or are interested in detailing cars, a job working with vehicles can be much more lucrative than a traditional office job in lower management. A job in collision repair can pay you almost $60,000 a year, and many roles even offer bonus structures, commision, and profit sharing, allowing you to maximize your earning. Best of all, there are plenty of reputable automotive, diesel and collision repair academic programs in the country that offer you the academic programs you need to learn more about the mechanics that make automobiles run. If you’re willing to put in a little extra work and attend more classes, you can really increase your income with a job in the automotive field.

With the annual mean personal income from the census’ 2016 data placing individual income in the low $30,000s, any of the above jobs represent a major infusion of much-needed income into most Americans’ lives. Consider any of the above hands-on jobs to get the boost you need to live more comfortably and save for the future, if you’re looking for ways to increase your take-home pay.