Varicose veins come about when your veins swell and enlarge. In some people, varicose veins can cause discomfort and pain. Varicose veins affect many adults in El Paso at some point. You can develop varicose veins when the valves in the veins found in your legs become weak. When functioning correctly, the valves stop the backflow of blood into your legs. Damaged valves cause the buildup of blood in the veins resulting in swollen and twisted veins. You can quickly notice varicose veins because they often develop purple or dark blue discolorations below the skin. They also bulge beneath the skin. If you suffer from varicose veins, you may want to visit a vein and surgery center treating varicose veins in El Paso. You can also benefit from various home remedies that can ease the situation. Below are some of the most common home remedies for varicose veins. Read on for more.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise can help improve blood flow in the legs which can help push the blood that builds up in the legs. Exercise can also help lower blood pressure which is also a common cause of varicose veins. By taking part in low-impact activities, you reduce the strain on your calf muscles resulting in more effective functioning.

2. Compression Stockings

You can find compression stockings in pharmacies near you. They help reduce varicose veins by applying pressure to the affected veins, which allows the veins and muscles to move blood to the heart more effectively. Research findings indicate that most patients with varicose veins notice a reduction in pain caused by varicose veins by wearing compression stockings for a week.

3. Plant Extracts

If you have varicose veins caused by chronic venous insufficiency, chestnut extract can help reduce heaviness, itching, and pain in the legs. Sea pine extract and butcher’s broom extract can also help reduce swelling or edema with varicose veins. You can find all products at health stores. However, make sure you consult with your doctor before using any of the products. Also, ensure that you dilute the extracts with carrier oils before applying them to the affected areas.

4. Dietary Changes

Salty foods or foods rich in sodium cause your body to retain more water. You can reduce the water retention of your body by cutting down on salty food. You can also reduce water retention by taking foods with lots of potassium. They include:

  • Potatoes
  • Almonds
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Fish like tuna and salmon
  • White beans and lentils
  • Pistachio nuts

Since straining can worsen the condition of damaged valves, preventing constipation by taking foods rich in fiber can help reduce the severity of varicose veins. If you are overweight, switching to a weight loss diet can help you shed some weight, reduce the pressure on your veins, and get rid of pain and swelling.

In summary, the varicose vein is a common condition that comes about when veins in your legs swell and enlarge. While you often need treatment from a vein specialist, you can ease the situation with some home remedies. They include dietary changes, exercise, compression stockings, and plant extracts.

Rashid, A blogger, online marketer, content writer, social media lover and an all-around digital guy. He started writing at a very young age and most of his skills and knowledge are self-taught. He moved into digital medium while doing a digital marketing and content training. Now, he shares his knowledge by contributing to different forums and platforms.
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