What do you think your child is viewing or listening to on their smartphone or computer? Are you sure the sites they are visiting are trustworthy at all times? What of the people they interact with on social media, what are they sharing?

Thanks to the digital explosion, your child’s innocence has never been more at risk. Don’t fret. There’s a way you can safeguard your little one’s digital life. You can limit the time spent on their devices, block inappropriate sites, apps and games and track usage and location

What is Kaspersky parental control?

With advanced security solutions such as Kaspersky safe kids review, you can ensure your child’s online presence is protected. Global cyber security company Kaspersky provides reliable protection for your devices, including computers, Android, and iOS web applications.

According to Kaspersky Lab, 93% of Nigerian children visit online media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, or Google via computers with parental enabled control. Kids around the globe have various online behaviors and interests. They need to be protected online from potentially violent or inappropriate content which can have long term negative impact on their vulnerable minds.

Safeguard your children from online threats, including violent content or pornographic sites. Protect your web cameras, internet connections, online transactions from attacks and ransomware and remove unused applications which can be potential entry points for infected files.

How do I turn on/turn off parental control in Kaspersky Internet Security?

By default, when you install Kaspersky internet security, the parental control component is usually turned off. You can switch it on/off via the following ways:

  1. From the main application window:

To turn on/off parental control from the main window;

  • Open Kaspersky main application window
  • Click parental control in the main window
  • In the parental control window, to the right, beside the name of the selected user click ENABLE to turn on parental control or click DISABLE to turn off parental control.
  • From the context menu of the program icon:

To turn on/off the parental control component from the application’s icon:

  • Go to the lower right part of your screen  and right click on the application window

Proceed to the following instructions:

  • In the menu list, select ENABLE parental control if you want to turn on parental control for the current user account.
  • Select DISABLE parental control if you want to turn off parental control for the current user account.
  • From the settings window:

To turn on/off parental control from the settings window;

  • Open Kaspersky main application window
  • Click settings on the right upper corner of the main application window
  • In the settings window, proceed to advanced settings and click on parental control

In the right section of the parental control window, progress on the following:

  • Click DISABLE if you want to switch off parental control
  • Click ENABLE if you want to switch on parental control
  • Click OK in the settings window
  • Finally, close the main application window.

How Do I configure the device settings?

You can configure parental control settings in your chosen device for a specific user account. To prevent unauthorized access to the parental control component, you can protect the application with a password. This way, no one can access your program and make changes to your settings.

  • Click open Kaspersky total security icon.
  • Click parental control in the main application window.
  • If your device is password protected, type the password, and click enter. In case you forget your password, you can contact Kaspersky lab to disable password protection.

How Do I configure parental control settings when changing timezones?

Kaspersky time management features configure the number of hours per day your child can use each device. When a timezone changes on your device, it is essential you update your parental control settings in Kaspersky internet security.

This is crucial to efficiently set and track the amount of time your child spends on the internet. And also to create the parental control schedule.

Too much screen time according to a JAMA Pediatrics 2019 study, hinders brain development including attention, memory, and language skills of kids. Also, it affects their quality of sleep and physical activity, leading to mental issues, obesity, and poor performance.

  • In the parental control settings box, click on update settings.
  • Enter your password and click CONTINUE.
  • The settings will be updated automatically.
  • You can also click on REMIND ME LATER if you don’t want to update the settings in the new time zone.

What are the FAQs on Parental Control Settings when Changing Time zones?

  1. Switching to and from summer to winter is automatic and does not require updates.
  2. Change in time zone affects the parental control schedule including the calculation of the time of using the internet and computer
  3. If a change in time zone affects system dates, the calculator will restart and count the time as a new day.
  4. If a change in time zone does not affect the system date, all limitations, and settings set in web control function seamlessly.

Tips for safe internet browsing for kids

How much freedom should you allow your child on the web? Our guidelines will help you give your kids a positive and safe online experience.

  1. For kids age 5 and below:

Create a “white list” select some sites your child can access and plug them into his/her device. With time as he gets older and needs more access, you can add to the list.

  • For kids age 5 to 8:

Choose a child-friendly browser. Disable the default browser in settings then replace it with a child-friendly one from the app store such as Mobicip. Mobicip allows access to safe sites, blocks specific keywords and website categories, and offers three filtering levels: strict, moderate, and mature.

  • For kids age 9 and above:

Enable safe Google search and Kaspersky parental control.  These controls filter explicit content and images

To Sum it up:

The explosion of internet connected devices has made it difficult to monitor and limit screen time. Three out of five parents worry about their kids being exposed to inappropriate content, and 40 percent fear that strangers can make contact with their kids online.

As more kids and teens are spending a considerable chunk of their time on their smartphones, it is indispensable to keep track of their digital lives. Help keep your kid’s online habits in check with Kaspersky parental control application.

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