Once you start noticing that your loved one is having difficulty looking after themselves it may seem inevitable that they will soon lose all independence. Thinking about it logically though, just because your relative is struggling to get to the shops doesn’t mean they’re finding it hard to dress themselves. So if you are wondering about what is live-in care and whether it could be helpful for your loved one, then read on to find out.
What can a live-in carer do to support them?
When a live in carer comes to stay the first thing they will do is make an assessment of the care needs of their client. This will be done by asking you what you feel they are struggling with, but will also involve simply watching their client, ready to step in when they need help.
By allowing your loved one to complete tasks that they are able to they improve their confidence in their own abilities. Once an elderly person has lost confidence in themselves it can be very hard to regain, and as time goes on if a task isn’t performed regularly it will become harder to do which will further convince the person that they are no longer able to care for themselves. Preserving independence can actually improve it by bolstering your loved one’s confidence in themselves and in their carer’s ability to look after them. So the right elderly care makes a real difference to people’s lives.
Simple things like being able to cook a meal can bring a lot of enjoyment to older people, but they may struggle with certain steps such as chopping vegetables or accessing the oven. A live-in carer can provide precisely tailored support so that as much as a chore as possible is done by their client.
Out and about
Older people can become very isolated and alone because they are no longer able to pursue their hobbies or meet their friends. Even a short walk to the corner shop or library can become a huge expedition if your mobility is declining. Live-in care becomes a necessity for them. A live-in carer will provide transport and can escort your loved one to appointments, social meetings or on days out, allowing them to continue to live a full and varied life. Many live-in carers are also happy to exercise dogs and can take both the dog and the owner out for a short walk in the countryside.
Safe as houses
According to Live-in Care Hub the single most likely reason for an elderly person to find themselves admitted to hospital is due to a fall, and surprisingly they are more likely to have a fall in a care home than in their own home. Falls are not just painful when you are elderly – bones break more easily and long-term hospital stays can make it very hard for an older person to return to their own home. Simply having someone else in the house makes a fall less of a risk. Being able to ask for assistance on “bad” days means your loved one is less likely to try to reach items or perform tasks they struggle with.