Just like leather handbags and other goods made of natural materials, leather wallets require proper care and should be adequately cleaned and maintained. The right conservation will translate not only into the aesthetic appearance of our wallet but also into its durability and longevity. Leather wallets can serve us for many years to come as long as we know the basic principles of its care.

What makes leather special?

Leather is a timeless fabric that has been used to create outerwear by our ancestors. It determined their status – if the archaic homo sapiens had leather clothes, he could hunt and cure leather and thus provide for the family. In the Middle Ages, leather was a luxury commodity only the wealthiest could afford. It was used to make not only clothes but also saddles, harnesses, and panniers of some weapons.

Leather tanning contributed to its wider use. Primitive methods of tanning were already used in the Neolithic age, where oils and fats were rubbed into dried skin, devoid of muscles, which made it soft and partially waterproof.

It would seem that new technologies are slowly replacing natural materials, but it’s just an illusion. The history of leather shows that people in many spheres of life have used it for centuries. We continue to wear leather clothes, accessories, and footwear. We still use it to produce upholstery, furniture, decorations, or books.

How to Clean a Custom Leather Wallet?

As in the case of leather purses or belts, there are techniques for efficient cleaning and maintenance of leather wallets. Because many people are not aware of these methods, they needlessly spend more money to buy a new product instead of extending the life of the wallet they already have. What should we do to keep our custom leather wallet in excellent condition for many years?

Prevention is key!

Many leather wallet owners make the mistake of exposing their product to sharp objects, damaging the material. Those include keys thrown loosely into a purse or a pocket. They draw on the surface of the wallet, leaving unsightly marks. To prevent the occurrence, find a designated place for your wallet, such as a separate compartment in the purse. This also allows for easier access when checking out at the store, instead of throwing everything out of your purse in search of your wallet. A leather wallet should also be isolated from factors that can be a source of dirt, especially food and cosmetics.

Cleaning the Outside Surface of the Leather Wallet

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all method for cleaning your leather wallet, as it all depends on the grade of the material. Suppose you are in possession of the most ordinary, undyed leather. In that case, you can wipe it with a soft cloth or a microfiber cloth using a mixture of water and vinegar. Turpentine, a substance obtained from the resin of coniferous trees, may also help clean a leather wallet, as it thoroughly dissolves grease.

We advise against using soap or similar products to clean the leather. Their use will be counter-effective – a deposit will remain on the wallet, which not only looks unattractive but can also crack the surface after drying. Many specialized products for cleaning leather accessories are available on the market. Their effectiveness varies greatly, but it might be a good idea to try one or two and see if they truly work their magic. Appropriate movement should be implemented depending on the nature of the dirt or residue on our wallet. If we want to eliminate a specific stain, we should move the cloth in one motion on the surface. When removing general dirt, circular movements will probably work best, allowing us to get rid of the dirt layer from the entire surface of the wallet.

Washing the inside of the Wallet

When cleaning the wallet, we should also remember to remove the accumulation of dirt and stains on the inside. First, make sure that you take out all documents and cash from the pockets. Let’s start by turning the wallet over and getting rid of any crumbs. Now clean the interior thoroughly with a wet cloth and let the damp wallet dry. Avoid placing your wallet on a heater, exposing it to the sun, or using a blowdryer to expedite the process. Doing so may change its properties, harden the leather, or cause deformation.

Read More: Top 3 Leather Wallets Every Gentleman should Own

Leather Wallet Care

To ensure its longevity and durability, we should always practice proper care of a leather wallet. The most important part of leather maintenance is oiling. When dealing with an uncoated surface, we can use shoe polish of the appropriate color. Glycerin, a substance traditionally used in tanning, can also be useful as a means of preservation. Beeswax works excellent in protecting colored leather – the use of other agents could result in the removal of the dye. Patent leather can be oiled with olive oil, giving your wallet an elegant shine.

Renovation of a Leather Wallet

The first step in any leather renovation is a thorough cleaning. Skipping this vital phase will result in impregnating the dirt on the surface of the leather. Suppose we want to keep the effect of cleanliness for longer and improve the look of a wallet with visible signs of use. In that case, we can apply a coloring agent. Rub it in thoroughly, including hard-to-reach places, and then secure the process with wax. Only the renewed leather will appear appropriately clean. Cleaning accessories, including women’s and men’s wallets, is not a time-consuming and challenging task. The entire process should be viewed as just one of several ways to keep your leather wallet looking fresh and well-groomed. Your wallet will thank you for proper treatment and will repay you with many years of service!

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