Hello folks, do you want to create a professional invoice for your business? I think you are on the right place. In modern era if you are a business man, freelancer or shop keeper then you must need a professional invoice for your costumers. So, I will give you the full description about it by some 10 to 11 steps. By the help of them you can easily create a professional invoice template on word or with other tools.
First, you will go to new file and save it because of all of your work will protect and not lose it. Then go to LAYOUT and select an option of PAGE SET-UP (Letter, Legal, A4) choose one of this. After that go to ORIENTATION (Portrait, Landscape) accept as your required, Then go to MARGINS and select option as your requirement, Then check the spacing option that it is zero, If not, Set it zero.
1) Name of the Invoice
This step is an acquaintance of your company or shop. This will help you to present yourself professionally when make a request of payment. So write a name top of the page and make it bold by choosing the size for the heading into the size menu. You can also select color for the name of company. It will decorate the name and good impression on the customer. You can even put a logo on your business.
2) Contact Information
This step not only helps the customer to how to contact you if they have any question about invoice but also benefits for future business. This also lets your client to know how they can send money and correspondence. If they are happy with your business experience, they also refer their friends.
3) Title, Reference Number, and Date
The invoice title implies the client to which project is being billed for it. It will also help to identify the difference between your client to this invoice and other invoice of your company. The reference number makes the invoice easy to find later of both firm and client. The date of the invoice of an issue is most important to client identify that how much time to payment to made. The period also recognizes the time to when the invoice has been created. This matter is important of account to write an accountant.
4) Client Company Name and Address
This step will help you to know which company, branch or office the invoice is addressed.
5) Payment due Date and Terms
This date is the base of agreement between the company and client. This matter depended on many things like the relationship between the supplier’s and client, cash flow need of the company. Payments are generally requested upon the receipt of the invoice, within a day, week, and month. This field shows this matter and also helps the accountant to know the schedule of payment.
It is the field where you can write the description of your project, contact number, or any individual term of the project.
7) Product Detailed
These fields where you can write a serial number, description, quantity, unit price, total. The more thing you put here will better to the customer and comfortable for a paying. This way your client will know exactly paying for upon receive the invoice. You will make sure that your client easily understandseverything in it.
8) Tax
This matter depended on the type your business and government tax ration. You must have conform and count tax rate as per rules.
9) Discount Rate
If you are offering the discount for your client then added here. This type of cut increases your business and makes the client happy, encourage to shop with you.
“THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS.” This small sentence makes the significant effect on your customer mind. It will motivate him and encourage to business with you again. This little phrase feels happy your customer and runs your business.
At last, you can make a signature to verify the invoice. When you name on it, you can read it again and sure not to make any mistake on the invoice by you. At last you can go to the save as option. Then change the format option into a Portable Document Format (PDF). So you can send it quickly.
You can also use some professional invoice template for your business. These are available in market in very cheap prices. I think, you got the info you want to know. Please comment below for query or question.