How To Get Domain Names For Your New e-Commerce Store?

As you have landed on this article it’s needless to say that you’re thinking of launching your own e-Commerce store. Also, it is common sense that your e-Commerce store will be online and will definitely need a domain name for your financial website. And we are proud to present here and help you throughout the process of getting the best domain name from many premium domain names for sale present out there.

How To Choose a Good Domain Name?

Your domain name should hug your brand name and fully augment the SEO for your brand reputation. If there was a clear blueprint of how to choose a domain name, wouldn’t you be more than happy? Well, here are some tips which will help you choose the best, not good, the best domain name.

  • Your domain name should aid your SEO

If you’re thinking about launching a website, you might already have decided how your SEO strategy will roll out and make notable changes in driving organic traffic to your site. Now you need to choose a domain name which goes hand in hand with your SEO plan and maximize the presence of surfing browsers on your portal.

  • Choose a short domain name:

Your domain name should be as short as you can get it. This way, it’ll be easier for your clients to remember the URL. You wouldn’t want to piss your clients off if they type a wrong URL and land on some irrelevant page, just because you didn’t choose a short domain name when you still had a chance.

  • Become a Grammar Nazi: 

While you choose a domain name for your company, you should be fully aware not to use slangs and wrong abbreviations. You should choose a spelling which seems classy and simple. Your domain name should be good to pronounce in public and feel vague when typing in the URL bar.

Your Domain Name is Synonymous with Your Brand

After going through a quick road-map of choosing a domain name, you might think that you’re all ready to possess your first domain name. But wait a while, what’s the hurry? There’s one thing you need to know – your brand name should go well with your domain name. By that, we mean that your domain name should give a clear message about what you have to offer. For instance, your potential clients or permanent clients might lose their cool when they get redirected to an irrelevant website with a very relevant domain name. This is bad for your reputation and sales.

 Mistakes Made When Choosing a Domain Name

There are thousands, if not millions of websites for a kind of niche, and that just equals to very less relevant domain names available for pickup. So web developers and company strategists often show promptitude towards choosing the first domain name they come across on the web.

Here are a few mistakes you may commit while choosing a domain name :

  1. Choosing an unpronounceable name – When you choose a domain name, you should first plan out and see what will be the section of the world you will be impacting as an audience. Then you need to select a domain name which is easily pronounceable by the majority of impacted browsers and observers. If you choose an unpronounceable domain name, most of your potential and active clients will not have an imprint of the brand and its strategy in their mind.
  2. Writing paragraphs for domain names – Well this sounds too intense for an example, but believe me, lengthy domain names will leave you in trouble as they will be hard to type, difficult to remember and real pain for your valuable customers.
  3. Slang – When you choose a domain name for your business, you need to keep it handsome and classy, and not cool and of teenage style. That’s why you cannot afford to have slang in your professional domain name.
  4. Dashes: Dashesare making you a hindrance in your success. They do so by being really irritating and then they stop you from becoming a cherry bomb in the eyes of your consumers. That’s the only reason we don’t see many domain names with hyphens/dashes nowadays.

Mistakes to Avoid When Launching

People often make these little and silly mistakes while launching the website. They don’t realize this while launching, but they do when it’s too late and nothing can be repaired without spending a serious buck or stressful hours or both. That is why Squad Help is here to help you and inform you about the mistakes to avoid when launching your eCommerce website. Here goes the list :

  • No information about the business – That’s the number one mistake anyone could make while launching – not having a proper ‘About Us’ or ‘What do we do?’ or ‘Who are we?’ page. Customers want to know that you’re genuine before buying anything from you. And that’s the doormat of ‘being genuine’ household.
  • Lacking a plan – When you’re about to launch an eCommerce website, you need to have a clear roadmap of how you’ll be doing and processing things. Do not roam aimlessly losing all your resources.
  • Not having a logo – We in our day to day life observe that it’s easy to remember visual content than any other form of information. That’s why having a real catchy and calming logo is important for your website.
  • Taking SEO too lightly – You should take search engine optimization very serious for drawing organic traffic to your website and hire a seasoned SEO team.
  • Verbal consent – If you sell something to your client or seal a deal, you should always have a written/printed and signed record of it for future security.
  • Non-adaptability – As you may know that most people browse eCommerce sites on their smartphones and tablets, you should have your designers spell all the adaptability in your website. This way your clients won’t become frustrated while browsing a website that’s only meant to run decently on a PC.

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