Developing a new idea and turning it into a business seems like a daunting task. But, all hope isn’t lost these days for upcoming businesses because of the power of the internet. It can be really hard to find lenders that are willing to give cash loans when you are a new startup. As the internet has made the world a smaller place, it’s an advantage for potential startups looking to startup to raise capital to expand their brand.
Setting Up a Crowd Funding Campaign Online
Even just 10 years ago, most companies were required to get capital from friends and family members or the banks. There wasn’t much “in between” for outsourcing unless you were already established with the right connections. Seeing the problem of current-day businesses, companies like Indiegogo and Kickstarter rose to success. These campaign sources were legalized in 2011 as an official way for businesses to collect funding.
So, what’s the appeal in crowd funding?
It lets you take your product to your potential consumers. Even having an initial prototype with a detailed description of the product can be enough to get the interest of these consumers. Usually, by offering them the product when it’s released, these consumers essentially “pre-order” your item. This gives you the capital you need (in advance) to build your company. Make sure to have a timeline on when these customers can expect to receive their shipments. Doing it in “batches” and setting dates for each batch will help establish further trust between you and your consumers.
Profiling an Amazon and Affiliate Marketing Account
This is more of a “two birds, one stone” idea. If your business is related to a product or several products that you make from home, Amazon is the place to bring it. Establishing a seller account on Amazon will give you access to the hundreds of millions of users that shop there every day. Even if you have your own website, having an Amazon account with your products still reaches a wider audience and helps lower costs initially. This gives you the flexibility to build your website, content, and overall online presence while you still have a reliable platform.
Taking it a step further, an affiliate marketing account is a branch off from your Amazon account. This is especially useful if you haven’t established a website of your own. This will be your beginner website and where you can provide a plethora of information and content to a website. Plus, you’ll link back to your Amazon links.
Building Authority with Other Niche Bloggers
After establishing a website (usually free on WordPress), it’s time to start promoting yourself. This doesn’t mean shoving your products down the throats of people on social media, though. You want to make your presence known and to connect with authoritative bloggers and companies in your niche. Most niches have tons of bloggers that can help. The more connections you can make, the more opportunities you’ll have of promoting yourself. By becoming familiar with who is popular in your niche and developing a relationship, you have link-building opportunities. This means potential free links back to your website (which links back to your products).
Online Marketing is Free with Social Promotions
The internet has made marketing more targeted and reachable to the world. While there is a learning curb involved, all the information and resources you need to start your business are free and accessible. It’s about finding them and learning more about online marketing to succeed. Take these tips and grow your business with the lowest possible investment, with the maximum returns.