Do you feel like you might be suffering from mental health issues?
According to the World Health Organization, about one in four people are affected by mental health disorders at some point in their lives. And currently, about 450 million people worldwide suffer from some form of mental illness, making mental disorders the leading cause of disability and illness in the world.
If you think you’re suffering from a mental health disorder, then it’s important to get help right away. How do you know that you need help?
Check out this mental health awareness guide to discover the top signs that your mental health is declining. Patients who receive mental health therapy, they learn healthy and effective strategies to deal with stressful or difficult situations. Read how mental health councelling helps you on
1. You’re Feeling Worried or Anxious
If you find that you’re frequently worried or anxious, it could be a sign that you need to seek professional help for your mental health.
While we all get worried from time to time, if your nerves and anxiety are having a major impact on your daily life, then you may be suffering from some type of anxiety disorder. Symptoms of anxiety include:
- Shortness of breath
- Palpitations
- Headaches
- Diarrhea
- Restlessness
- Racing thoughts
Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental illness in the US. Luckily, anxiety is also very treatable, with medication and therapy being the most effective form of treatment.
2. You Feel Unhappy or Depressed
Just like everyone gets worried from time to time, everyone also gets sad from time to time. But, if you have a sadness that you just can’t seem to shake, then you may be suffering from depression.
People who are depressed often find that they’ve lost interest in hobbies or people that they once found exciting. It’s also common to experience a lack of motivation, fatigue, and sleep issues when you’re depressed.
If you notice your sadness lasting for more than a few weeks, then it’s time to speak to your doctor. If you notice these symptoms in your child, then you may want to speak to their pediatrician.
3. Changes in Sleep or Appetite
Sometimes, mental health issues manifest through physical symptoms.
If you’re suffering from mental illness, it’s very common to experience changes in your appetite. Some people will find themselves losing their appetite and losing weight, while others will find themselves eating more and gaining weight.
Those who suffer from mental health issues also tend to have issues with their sleep. If you’re sleeping too much or too little, it could be a sign that you’re depressed or suffering from a sleeping disorder.
4. Feelings of Guilt or Worthlessness
Do you find yourself thinking, “I’m a failure”? Or, “I’m worthless”?
While everyone gets down on themselves from time to time, these are not normal, healthy thoughts to have. Oftentimes, feelings of guilt or worthlessness are linked to depression.
If you find yourself in a constant loop of negative self-talk, then it may be time to speak to your doctor.
Read More: 5 Best Mental Health Benefits of Art Therapy Sessions
Mental Health Awareness: Time to Act
Now that you’ve read this mental health awareness guide, you should have a better idea of whether or not you’re suffering from mental illness. Of course, only a doctor can give you a proper diagnosis, so if you haven’t been feeling yourself, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment anyway. Also, be sure to check back in with our blog for more healthy living tips and tricks.