Customers are the fuel that accelerates your business. So nothing matters more than satisfying them and making them happy. Such customers are the ones who will be loyal to your brand and come back for repeat purchases. If you want to measure customer loyalty and keep a track of it, Net Promoter Score is a metric that you can trust. It offers valuable insights into customer needs and indicates the roadblocks that prevent you from meeting these needs.

The most successful businesses use NPS data to know their customers better and identify the gaps in customer loyalty. NPS is a valuable tool and you need to understand how you can use it to your advantage. In this context, it is important to get the most out of the customer feedback by analyzing it effectively. Here are the best practices that you need to follow for implementing NPS for your business.

Choose the best point of communication

It is not easy to get feedback from the customers. Since most of them are pressed for time, they may not be keen to leave comments. Without data, you will not be able to know how they feel about your brand. The best way to get their feedback is by choosing the most feasible point of communication for the NPS survey. Reach out through the channels where the customers are and they will eagerly convey their feedback. Ideally, you should do it via emails or in-app.

Timing it right is equally important

While conducting the survey through the right channels is critical, timing is equally important. The right timing depends on who your customers are and the goals you are pursuing with the survey. For instance, you should schedule one during the product trial period if you want to get customer opinions on a new product. Also, ensure that you don’t ask for feedback on existing products too early. Customers will be able to share a genuine one only after they have experienced your product or brand.

Follow up on the detractors

Don’t be dejected by negative feedback because it is an opportunity to understand how you can get better. Further, it gives you a chance to know the customers and their expectations. Experts at Simplesat recommend that you should follow up the detractors and connect with them to find out their reason for rejecting your brand. A personal connection gets you accurate data and conveys your intention to prioritize customer success. Who knows, you may even be able to transform detractors into promoters!

Don’t neglect the promoters

Keeping an eye on the detractors is essential but remember that you should not neglect your promoters. Even if you have a good NPS score, don’t rest on your laurels because customer opinion can change any time. Continue showing appreciation to the promoters so that they stay with your brand. Reach out to them personally and thank them for their positive reviews through a personalized email. Take this opportunity to ask them for a referral. With this approach, you can secure a good relationship with the promoters and utilize them for growing your outreach.

Share NPS feedback with your team

NPS score is just a number unless you utilize it to improve your approach towards customers. The idea is to gain insight from this metric and use it to address the pain points and concerns of the customers. Share the feedback with your teams and ensure that they act on it during their future customer interactions. It is important that your sales team and customer service team, in particular, has access to the feedback for better interactions. Further, the product development team can use customer opinions to improvise products.

Combine it with other feedback tools

NPS serves as an effective metric to get genuine customer feedback but you cannot depend on it alone. You should combine it with other feedback tools and metrics to get a clear picture of the level of customer satisfaction. Giving customers multiple channels to share feedback also shows that you value their opinion. Further, it boosts trust for your brand and strengthens relationships with the customer. So you should create a mix of feedback tools, with NPS being somewhere on the top. Net Promoter Score can be a great tool to know your customers better provided that you use it in the right way. Following these best practices enables you to harness the true potential of NPS to get genuine feedback. Is your NPS program based on these best practices? If not, you should align it with them sooner rather than later!

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