Everyone who wants to start a garden should realize that he or she is to face various problems. The most common of them are the following:

  • Poor soil conditions;
  • Wrong choice of plants;
  • Too much or too little water;
  • Different plant diseases;
  • Weeding.

The last one is able to drive even the most experienced gardeners crazy. Whether you want it or not, you have to deal with pesky plants. They are considered to be one of the major threats to your garden. They steal from the soil the nutrients your plants need to grow. As a result, the crop yield and quality reduces. Moreover, many undesirable vines can affect human health. For instance, ryegrass or privet may lead to respiratory problems.

Before planting crops or flowers, you should get rid of undesirable vegetation. It’s not an easy task. Many beginners prefer using synthetic samples. Nowadays there is a wide variety of available herbicides. Their main aim is to kill vegetation tissue. People like chemicals why they save time, money, and labor.

Types of herbicides you can find

According to the way they act, the pesky vines are divided into the following groups:

  • Desiccators remove all the water from the plants;
  • Acids and bases burn cells of the greenery;
  • Nutritional controls;
  • ACC-case inhibitors prevent cell production. It’s mainly used for lawn grasses;
  • ALS inhibitors stave the vegetation;
  • EPSPS inhibitors are the universal means;
  • Synthetic auxin represents organic herbicides.

Moreover, all the chemicals can be selective and nonselective. The first group is to kill the targeted variety of greenery. The second group is of universal use. Yet, no matter what the label of the chemicals says, the herbicides are not the best variant when it comes to preventing weeding in your garden or backyard.  

Harmful effects of the herbicides

The first thing you should understand about herbicides is that they can harm humans, pets, and wildlife. Almost all the chemicals are toxic. Someone may argue that only large doses of herbicides are harmful. Yet, even a small dose may have a long-term effect.

The main reasons not to use herbicides are the following:

  • Significant worsening of the crop yield. The thing is it’s necessary to follow definite rules when applying chemicals. There are 3 main stages of weed growth when you can use the stuff: before establishment, after establishment, and at the late growth stage. Only a few gardeners have enough time and patience to observe the process of weeding. Others use chemical whenever they want;
  • The greater part of weeds is resistant to the chemicals. At the same time, the poisoning stuff can easily affect the edible plants;
  • The possibility of recovery from herbicide treatment is rather high;
  •  Your pets may be poisoned by chemicals. It’s not a secret that cats and dogs eat grass. When there are pesticides on the foliage, your pets risk getting serious health problems;
  • Some varieties of chemicals may cause cancer. There are various studies that have already proved the harmful effect of the chemicals on human health.   

Of course, the application of herbicides is one of the most effective and easy ways to get a perfect landscape in no time. Yet, it’s one of the most dangerous methods, too. If you are looking for an effective, cheap, and safe way to get rid of weeding, you should pay attention to barrier weed control fabric. The material stops weeding without affecting other plants. a weed barrier control fabric is easy-to-use. Moreover, it’s cheap and durable. You don’t need to worry about your pets walking in your garden. Such fabric is absolutely safe for plants, pets, and humans.

In conclusion, it’s worth mentioning that nowadays it’s popular to use only organic and eco-friendly materials. Why not follow this trend in gardening, too?      

Rashid, A blogger, online marketer, content writer, social media lover and an all-around digital guy. He started writing at a very young age and most of his skills and knowledge are self-taught. He moved into digital medium while doing a digital marketing and content training. Now, he shares his knowledge by contributing to different forums and platforms.
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