If you take a look at any celebrity gossip magazine, chances are you’ll be inundated with pictures of movie stars, models, and musicians with all the wildest hair colors. Rainbow hair, bleached hair, bright pink hair… it’s all too much to handle sometimes! There are many who believe natural hair colors are boring and common, but we think the opposite! When styled in a fashionable haircut, natural hair can look bold, trendy, and beautiful. Here are 5 reasons why we think natural hair colors rule!

Save money and time

Whether it’s several trips to the hair salon or many evenings using hair dye at home, you can’t deny that using hair dye is a drain on your precious time and savings. This kind of treatment doesn’t come cheap, and then there is a bunch of special conditioners and shampoos to buy for colored hair. Plus, wouldn’t you rather spend your cash and free time traveling somewhere amazing?

Healthier for your hair

While it’s possible to get an allergic reaction to hair dye, this is quite rare. However, all those chemicals can damage your hair follicles over time and make growing your hair slightly difficult. This is more a problem for those who routinely dye their hair every few weeks for a long period of time, but nevertheless, hair dye can be harmful in large amounts if you’re not careful.

Better for job interviews

Finding work can often be difficult for people of any age in such a competitive world. Although there really shouldn’t be any stigma against those with bright neon hair, there are many businesses and organizations who might think that this is not appropriate. Going back to your natural hair color is a pretty easy process if you have tried out hair dye, so you can still make the steps to return if you need to for a job interview.

No clashing with clothing

Imagine having vivid blue or green hair and find that all the colored clothing you own just clashes horribly with your locks. Black or white clothing might have to be the only safe option unless you have a personal stylist with you at all times to give recommendations! It’s sometimes already hard enough to select an outfit in the mornings, but intense hair colors can limit our choices.

To be comfortable with yourself

Finally, what’s wrong with wearing the hair color you were born with? Loving yourself and being relaxed with who you are is a notable quality and not something that everyone can manage. If you are lucky enough to be a natural redhead or blonde, then you might want to think twice about changing it up, as you could regret it years down the line.

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