Has your child started stuttering?

Well, they’re not alone. Around 3 million people in the US suffer in the same way.

But there’s good news! According to the same source, three-quarters of children who stutter will recover from it over time. Even better, there are numerous ways to facilitate that recovery.

Of them all, accessing speech therapy is one of the best. But how do you know if it’s necessary for your child? Let us help.

Read on for 5 signs that your child needs stuttering therapy.

1. They’ve Been Stuttering for a While

As we mentioned before, many children who stutter tend to grow out of it without treatment.

This fact can confuse the situation for concerned parents. They’re left wondering if therapy is necessary, or if, like imaginary friends, it’s just a phase that’ll end in time.

In these cases, it can help to consider how long your child has been stuttering. Why? Because the chance of recovering without treatment for stuttering dwindles after a year of it being in place.

A child who’s stuttered for 12 months or so is likely to benefit from therapy.

2. They’re Over 5 Years Old

Another timing consideration is to do with your child’s age.

Children who develop their stutter before their 5th birthday often outgrow it in time.

Is your child older than 5 and still stuttering? Well, there’s reason to believe they’d benefit from therapy. That’s particularly true when any of the coming points are evident as well…

3. Their Body or Face Moves While Stuttering

Have you noticed any facial or bodily movements that accompany your child’s stutter?

This isn’t uncommon. Stutterers often experience such involuntary movements in the effort and strain involved with producing their words.

It is, however, another indication that speech therapy would be beneficial to reducing the stutter’s impact on your child.

Read More: 6 Types of Therapy That Can Improve Your Mental Health

4. They Avoid Talking

Stuttering can have a profound impact on peoples’ confidence.

That’s true whether you’re a child or an adult!

Children are often taunted and bullied in the schoolyard for their stutter. They start seeing it as a flaw, and their self-esteem begins to suffer. Unfortunately, the anxiety that builds around stuttering tends to worsen it.

In some cases, children will start avoiding situations where they have to talk. If you notice that happening, then accessing therapy for stuttering may help.

5. They’re Suffering

Last but not least is whether your child is obviously suffering from their stutter.

Some children stammer worse than others. Some get teased more than others. And some will experience deeper internal struggles than others.

One of the clearest catalysts to access stuttering support is when they’re in distress. If it’s impacting their confidence, sense of self-worth, and the happiness of their childhood, then accessing speech therapy is arguably a good idea.

Time to Access Stuttering Therapy

Millions of people in the US currently have a stutter.

Many more develop one as a child, only to outgrow it over time. For those that don’t, though, accessing stuttering therapy can be a lifeline that facilitates their recovery.

Hopefully, this post will help you realize if your child requires speech therapy or not. All the best and keep reading our blog for more on health and wellness.

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