Safety at work should be imperative, and you should adhere to the rules. Remember, they’re there for a reason, but accidents can still happen. If it comes to an injury, be sure to follow the procedure your company has set. Reporting precisely what has happened to the right authority will help you get medical care immediately as well as ensure you get your rightful compensation.

Turn to Your HR Immediately

No matter how simple your injury might seem, you must report it as soon as possible, not only to get proper medical care but also to ensure that it never happens again. Even though there are some general guidelines, make sure you’re following your company’s specific rules on incident reporting. Moreover, insist on filing a report; if you’re being talked out of it, make sure to include that as well. Be sure to complete this within 24 hours of the incident, or you might not be eligible for proper medical care nor compensation.

Tell Your Doctor Exactly What Happened

Unless you tell what happened and how you got injured, your treatment could be delayed and the insurance might not cover it. There are hidden medical costs you might have to pay for if you avoid to make a full report. Even worse, your doctor might prescribe you the wrong treatment if they are not fully informed. Also, if you try to cheat the company, it could backfire, leaving you to foot the entire bill.

Inform Your Employer about the Accident

Be sure to tell your higher-ups what has happened, and that you might have to take sick leave due to the injury. Make sure to have everything in writing; otherwise, you might be under suspicion of fraud. Under no circumstances should you try to pass non-work-related injuries, especially from a non-company doctor, as you might end up being severely punished.

You Are Entitled to Compensation

Getting injured at work doesn’t automatically mean that you’ll be compensated, especially if you’re at fault and you haven’t followed protocol. However, if you have suffered an injury during an accident in the company, you are most likely entitled to compensation. If you’re denied that right, consult compensation solicitors to get help. It’s imperative that you report everything as it had happened, to avoid legal complications which could end up damaging you professionally, personally and/or financially.

Follow Medical Directions

Once you get a diagnosis and are prescribed a treatment, make sure you inform your employer about it and follow your doctor’s instructions to the letter. Keep in mind that not doing so might seem like you’re going against company rules, meaning that you could get penalized.

Injuries at work need to be reported immediately to sort out medical help, possible worker compensation and potentially improve the company’s safety standards. Most of the companies have clear rules on what to do, and you should follow them. If you’re not at fault, you’re entitled to compensation, which you might not get if your employer deems it unnecessary. In that case, be sure to take legal action, otherwise, you might be left with a large medical bill to take care of.

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