The cloud is modern technology’s solution to the storage, management and processing of data, with an ever-increasing number of business leaders choosing to integrate this innovative tech into their companies. Most of us use the cloud in one way or another, whether at home or at work, but you may be wondering how exactly cloud computing can help your business, and why it’s such an important part of modern-day IT. Experts from Syntax IT Support London explain the key benefits:
1) Fewer operational issues
It’s only natural to worry about the risks when looking at a new tech solution, but cloud computing actually has fewer issues associated with it than traditional infrastructures. The cloud is typically more reliable than your own on-location server, as hosting services are dedicated to keeping it functional and bug-free.
The moment even the smallest issue arises, the company that manages your cloud network will have a team of experts immediately working on a fix with cloud computing platform ideal for disaster recovery and live migration projects, If you were to encounter the same bug in your own server, this would probably mean reporting the issue to tech support and having someone assigned to look into it, which is often a much more frustrating and drawn-out process.
As small issues are typically fixed more quickly on the cloud, there’s much less risk of these snowballing into larger, more serious problems, thereby reducing the risk to your business.
2) Better security
Working on a cloud network is much more secure than relying on local servers, with high level security provided as standard when you invest in a cloud package. Data hosted on the cloud is stored on a server that could be physically located anywhere in the world, making an attack on your assets much less likely.
Cloud computing companies will also protect servers with robust defences, investing a lot of money and expertise in security in order to keep clients’ data safe. This means performing regular security audits and utilising a range of tools such as guards, biometric devices and security cameras to protect physical servers. Your connections to access your data are completely secured, and multiple backups of your documents are made to prevent accidental data loss. Provided you use strong passwords to secure your devices and ensure that only you can access your files, data stored on the cloud is some of the most secure data you can have.
3) Lower cost
Cloud services are paid for on a pay-as-you-go basis, which means you only have to pay for the resources your business actually needs. This is a cost-effective way of storing data, as it is much cheaper to utilise your provider’s computing resources than acquire them for yourself. Cloud computing is scalable, so you can use as much or as little server space as you require, and it’s easy to upgrade or downgrade as you need to. As cloud services come complete with tech support, you’ll also save money by eliminating the need for an expert IT team to fix server issues for you.
4) Greater collaboration
Cloud service providers offer a host of cloud-based applications, from CRM such as Salesforce to Microsoft Office 365. You can also have the 5th Kind which provides best collaboration solutions that keep your company’s information safe and secure. File sharing and collaboration services are popular tools for cloud users, with cloud computing being designed for better teamwork and communication. The cloud enables you and your colleagues to edit documents in real time and access them from any location, working together from anywhere in the world.
5) Reduced carbon footprint
Investing in cloud computing also reduces your business’ carbon footprint, with the cloud encouraging companies to get rid of their data centres due to less of a requirement for physical servers. This means fewer resources used, limiting environmental impact. Making it easier to share files also means you’ll have less need for physical printouts, saving the planet as well as your pocket.