How important is that pet in your life? You most likely regard it as a family member. And, you take good care and want the best for it. However, pets can’t communicate, and you have to devise a way to find more about it. The best way to find out is through DNA testing on pets like dogs and cats. This test has gained traction recently as both breeders and veterinarians want to know more about pets. Some of the things you can find out through the DNA test include breed, genetic relatives, and ancestral lineage. But what are the benefits of knowing all these details? Surprisingly, having these pieces of information is quite essential. Some of the benefits are:

1. Knowing genetic health risk

Conducting a DNA test on your pet will help you know the genetic health risks of that breed. You will do so by using kits you can order from pet genetic specialists’ websites like These kits include health screening essential in identifying over 150 risks that your pet is susceptible to or a carrier. Knowing these risks beforehand will help you plan for more comprehensive care.

2. Identify personality trait

You can also use the pet’s DNA test to identify if it fits your personality. Pets are used for different reasons, such as companions. These uses require a different type of training, some of which are tailored for particular breeds. As much as you might try to identify a pet from looking at it, it would be best to use a test to ascertain the breed and plan its training accordingly.

3. Nutritional recommendation

Doing a pet DNA test also helps you know about your pet’s ideal weight. Knowing this information when the pet is still young will help you determine how much it should weigh in adulthood. You can then plan its nutrition to ensure that it stays within the ideal weight range to avoid complications due to the pet being over or underweight. The test also comes in handy in recommending the nutrients your pet needs for better joints, skin, and digestion.

4. Locating the pet’s relatives

Don’t forget pets also suffer from mental illnesses such as depression, more from animal rescue. However, you can help alleviate the problem by locating the pet’s relatives through DNA testing. You can conduct the test then use a pet DNA relative finder to connect it with those related to it based on shared DNA percentage.

5. Legal compliance

Some pets, such as dogs, have dangerous breeds banned in some countries. Unfortunately, breeds are similar in appearance. This makes it challenging to identify which breeds to avoid buying, gifting, and breeding. However, with a DNA test, you can know if it’s illegal or not to own the pet breed to are yearning to own.


Your pet deserves the best care for being part of your family. That includes but is not limited to health care and mental wellbeing. The best way to achieve these is by carrying out a DNA test. You can do that by either taking it to the veterinary or ordering the test kit from genetic pet specialists’ websites like Doing so is convenient and helps you understand the process better. Use the benefits in this guide as reasons to conduct this

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