When it comes to marketing your business, there are a range of ways you can get yourself out there. The best ways to market your business will depend on who your target audience are, if you’re promoting a service or a product, where your target audience hangs out and previous marketing you have done in the future. Repeating successful campaigns with a different spin on them always works well, it’s beneficial to measure and compare results of certain marketing campaigns.

There are many different ways for Calendar Printing. The most common way is to use a computer program to design the calendar and then print it out on a printer. However, there are also many companies that will print calendars for you.

When you are choosing a company to print your calendar, you will want to consider the quality of their printing. You will also want to consider the cost of printing and the turnaround time. Some companies may charge more for printing, but they may also be able to print your calendar faster.

Here are our top 5 business marketing ideas you can put into practice to engage your target audience… 

1. Invest in banners and inflatables to really stand out

If you have events coming up, you want to really stand out and make sure people visit your stand. The best way to do this is to hire or invest in inflatable advertising banners, arches, balloons or blimps. The right advertising for you will depend on the event you’re going to and the style of your business. Before investing in inflatables, you should make sure all your branding is consistent and exactly how you want it, this is essential to make possible customers trust you and be drawn to your brand. The more you can stand out, the better!

2. Use infographics on social media

Another marketing idea is to create useful content that your target audience will want to share with their friends and followers. Bright infographics are a new trend that seem to educate in a clever way, create some of these and you are very likely to gain more followers. When you’re posting your infographics, add engaging captions with questions and encourage conversations on your post. 

3. Run a competition on Instagram and Facebook 

Start running a competition on Instagram and Facebook and boost it out to gain new followers and customers. Everyone loves to get involved in competitions, especially if they’re tagging friends and getting excited together about winning. Make sure you add instructions on how to enter when you create the post and put an announcement date on the post so people can come back and check your profile. This will also keep your brand in their minds, and they’re more likely to remember you. 

4. Boost your favorite posts out to your target audience

If you have the budget for it, you can boost out some of your favorite posts to audiences you target. This can be useful to gain insights, if you want to see who is likely to visit your profile or click a link to your website. You can try out different target audiences until you find the one that brings you the most traffic. You only need to spend a few pounds every time you promote posts, unless you want to up your budget. 

5. Stick up posters around your area or flyers in local cafes

For those who like to stick to more traditional offline marketing styles, flyers and posters with your branding and a call to action can be a successful way to market your business. Find coffee shops or restaurants where you know your target audience hangs out, or ask to leave business cards in libraries or shops. Decide on the best spots to market your business and get designing and printing your flyers and posters. If you don’t have time to deliver them around town, you can find companies online that offer a delivery service for you. 

We hope this has helped you think of some great ways to market your business and if you start using most of these, you will surely have some success. A company without marketing won’t do very well, so make sure you have a budget for this and complete regular promotional activities on and offline.