You always appreciate a little help when you start a business. This is particularly true after starting an amazon selling business. To be successful in this venture, you will require assistance from various tools. Viral Launch and Jungle Scout are great tools that you can consider. They have been touted as the best in helping you achieve great success in your amazon selling business. 

They differ in various aspects, and in this article, we are going to look at their various features, which will help you in choosing the best tool to use for your business.

Viral Launch

This is an Amazon product research tool that also offers other benefits, such as a launch service for your Amazon promotions. It provides nine amazing features. These are: 

  • Market Intelligence: This is a complex algorithm whose work is to examine and evaluate the products’ ability to sell. It is a useful tool in providing the latest as well as precise estimations of sales. Through this tool, you can monitor the reviews, trends in the market, and other analyses, which can help you to make use of profitable opportunities. 
  • Keyword Research: This tool can help in pulling traffic to your listed product, ranking it higher on the search engine. It also helps in sponsored ads, ratings, volume indexing status, prices, and many more. Using Viral launch keyword research tool will show you the priority score, which ranks a word based on how relevant it is to the search volume, and relevance score. 
  • Product Discovery: This feature allows you to search for products by their categories, review count, sales pattern, and many more. It is useful in reducing the time you take to research a product.  
  • Competitor intelligence: This feature allows you to monitor how your competitor is doing when looking at keywords. Once you enter the ASIN of a product, the tool generates the keywords ranked by your competitor. You can make use of those keywords to enhance your sales. 
  • Kinetic PPC: It is a simple tool that allows you to automate your PPC. With this, you can adjust bids automatically, monitor your keywords while analyzing how you are performing. 
  • Split testing: You can use this tool to increase your sales and profits as it allows you to test up to 7 variations of prices, images, descriptions, and titles. 
  • Listing Analyzer: Its function is to conduct a SWOT analysis on an Amazon listing comparing your product with the one offered by your competitor. It then gives you suggestions on how you can improve your site. 
  • Listing Builder: It helps you in creating a structure for optimizing SEO, which helps in maximizing your ranking on Amazon search results. 
  • Keyword manager: This tool helps in showing you the keywords data for your listed products in a comprehensive analytics dashboard. 

Read More: What are the best things about selling on Amazon FBA?

Jungle Scout

It is an excellent tool for Amazon sellers whose main area is importing products, labeling, and reselling them through Amazon FBA. You can have in a web app or a chrome extension. This Jungle scout vs viral launch article is great, it runs through the key differences one by one. Jungle scout has more features than Viral Launch, and we will now look at them in this section.

  • Product Database: It has an extensive product catalog where you can find a product that has the best opportunity for profits. You can search the product in categories such as estimated sales, revenue, and many more.   
  • Product Tracker: This allows you to monitor your product as well as your competitors. It has real-time tracking of sales.
  • Opportunity Finder: This works by analyzing Amazon niches telling if you can conduct in-depth research.
  • Supplier Database: It helps you find the manufacturer for your product, and it also gives information such as the customers available, total shipments, and many more. It also allows you to compare quotes from various suppliers where you can even initiate a purchase.
  • Keywords: To optimize your listing, you can get a list of keywords. This can also increase your ranking and give you more traffic.
  • Jungle Scout Launch: It offers an opportunity for increasing appearance in organic searches as well as providing discounted products on Amazon.
  • Sales Analytics: It helps you to track all your sales in real-time, which helps in analyzing your expenses as well as the income generated.
  • Inventory Manager: This algorithm helps you in determining when a new inventory is needed. It helps in ensuring that your products are still in stock.
  • Listing Builder: It eases the process of creating a listing where it optimizes your keywords. This saves you valuable time.  
  • Alerts: This feature allows you to stay aware of critical changes in your product on Amazon, where you can make the necessary changes immediately.

Viral Launch and Jungle Scout are great tools for you to help you optimize your Amazon business. You can go through the features that we have indicated to find the most suitable one. If you want to compare these to another Amazon seller tool, have a look at this amz tracker vs jungle scout article, this is another option you could consider.