Christmas is not more than a month away. Since childhood, we all love Christmas. Everything about Christmas is so beautiful, especially the Christmas eve where you spend time, or should I say, make memories with your loved ones. Now Christmas always holds special place in your life, but have you ever wondered if you can make it extra special for your loved ones too? Well, that’s what we will help you do with this article. So ready? Let’s get started then!

1. Invite your favorite people for Christmas movie:

C’mon, we all have a favorite Christmas movie. Why not, invite over some of your special friends and arrange a beautiful Christmas movie night? Make a rule, that everyone must bring one Christmas movie they love and then you all can sit back and enjoy the beautiful movie together. My favorite Christmas movie is Love Actually, what’s yours BTW?

2. Write a letter to Santa:

I didn’t write a letter to Santa since I was 9 until last year. Yeah, it seemed a bit childish but it was actually worth it. Being childish is actually the sign of being innocent and pure. So why not, you too try to write a letter to dear Santa. Also make sure to add personal goals in the letter. This shouldn’t be any materialistic but things like overcoming your fear of lizards or taking parents to a world tour, etc. Also, mention in the letter, how dear Santa can help you achieve these goals. At the end, you will be amazed how these solutions can actually get you through.

3. Start a new Christmas tradition:

Weird? Yes! But unique, definitely yes. What can be a better way to celebrate Christmas than starting your own tradition. You can invite your friends, family and other loved ones and ask them all to buy food for hungry, or you guys can go for a beautiful Christmas eve walk. Don’t forget to make a meaningful tradition a part of your Christmas day and look forward to it each year.

4. Create a prayer jar:

Yes, I literally mean a prayer jar. Cut paper slips and ask your family to write names of those who need prayer. Once they are done, put these slips into the jar and pull out 1-2 each day. Make sure to pray for these people and you can also decide to spend the Christmas eve with any of them. Trust me, it will bring you great joy and it would be the most beautiful feeling ever.

5. Get your loved ones a lovely gift:

We all love Christmas gifts. Gifts are adored by everyone, irrespective of the age. But don’t worry, you don’t have to spend a fortune to get a beautiful gift for lovely people around you. For more Christmas buying ideas in your budget, check out this article. From a diary to a sweatshirt, there are literally hundreds of things you can choose from. Also if you want to add a bit personalized touch to this gift, you can wrap the gift in a more beautiful and unique way.

6. Make memories:

The best thing you can do for your loved ones is to spend time with them. Talk, laugh, eat and have fun! Time is the most precious gift you can give anyone. So this Christmas, spend time with your loved ones. Laugh with them, cry with them, in short, make memories. I am sure, you would love this plan.

So friends, I hope you liked these ideas. Please share with us your ideas as well. Would be glad to hear :)

Rashid, A blogger, online marketer, content writer, social media lover and an all-around digital guy. He started writing at a very young age and most of his skills and knowledge are self-taught. He moved into digital medium while doing a digital marketing and content training. Now, he shares his knowledge by contributing to different forums and platforms.