Since there are different kinds of buildings, fire suppression systems tend to be different as well. This is because some places could have other substances that can add fuel to any fire such as chemical factories while some are fine but due to various procedures going on there, buildings require something that doesn’t cause any harm to people especially in a place like a hospital. Due to the difference in needs, companies rely on different suppressive agents to extinguish fires. When there are different fire suppression systems, there will be a different type of installation as well. The experts will evaluate your building and then suggest where you should put the points for fire extinguisher systems. Depending on your building, the experts would know what kind of fire is most likely to break out in your place and they would suggest the fire suppressing system according to that. These days companies are offering automatic fire suppression systems because these are most effective and provides the most safety for your building.

Here we will be taking a brief look at some of the most common fire suppression systems.  

  1. Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems

Usually, clean agent fire suppression systems are used in homes and commercial buildings.  These automatic fire suppression systems are environmentally friendly. They don’t contain any pungent smell or a specific color. On top of that, they are not electrically conductive. When you spray them, they leave no residue and are easy to clean. They usually absorb the fire and heat and try to cover the fire so that it won’t spread.  

  1. Dry Chemical Fire Suppression Systems:

For industrial properties, experts suggest using dry chemical fire suppression systems. Industries have a lot going on and different processes such as painting, welding, chemical coverage, or even chemical storage, etc. All these things make the industrial properties volatile, therefore dry chemical fire suppression works in your favor. These fire systems are more complex and sophisticated, and they may involve multiple tanks on substances in different locations. These come with an early warning alarm because damage can go beyond our imagination.

  1. Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression Systems:

Carbon dioxide may be a simple gas but it can do wonders especially when a fire is breaking out.  It works to extinguish a fire by reducing the oxygen levels in the surrounding. It does it until the combustion process is not possible. Again, this one is a natural gas and doesn’t harm the ecosystem of our planet. It effectively put out Class A, B, and C fires. 

  1. Restaurant Fire Suppression Systems:

Restaurants and commercial kitchens are at risk for fire because of high heat, open flames, and grease. For such places, an automatic fire suppression system is best. It can get activated on its own and detect the smallest flame or smoke. The substance used for fire extinguishing is a wet substance that can cool down the temperature and take out the fire.  It is similar to water sprinkler fire suppression systems, but it is focused on kitchen needs. 


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