Delivery jobs are some of the most demanding, with their fair share of challenges. Considering you’re on the road the whole day, dealing with road rage, difficult customers, bad signals, and unfamiliar locations may quickly become a routine.

For newbie delivery drivers, some of the difficulties that come with the job may seem overwhelming. If you take a step back and learn a few trade secrets along the way, you’ll easily start to get the hang of things.

On the other hand, wading through everything when you’re not experienced enough could do more harm than good.

In this post, we’ll take you through some of the things new delivery drivers should keep in mind as they continue to gain experience on the job.

1. Apply Your Training

Like any career, delivery has its workings that require proper training. You’ll meet different people and get caught up in various scenarios while making deliveries.

Most companies like FedEx or Amazon Prime take their drivers through training intended to arm them with the right skills for getting the job done.

As a new driver, apply that training. Go by the book as best you can because, without much experience, training is all you can rely on to avoid mishaps that could end up being costly.

2. Know Your Routes

The most important part of delivery work is getting goods to their correct destination on time. For drivers who’ve been around a while, getting to their destinations isn’t as challenging since they’ve had enough time to master the routes.

New drivers generally struggle before making several trips and familiarizing themselves with the delivery locations.

You can avoid much of the newbie confusion by taking advantage of route planner apps along with a reliable GPS device.

Our best advice is get yourself a route planner. This tool is also known as route optimization software, and it’s a delivery driver’s best bet.

SInce hours, the number of deliveries, and mileage play a big role in this industry, having a reliable route planner will save you a lot of hassle.

How Route Planners Work

The thing about route optimization apps is that they find you the best route possible for your destination by taking into consideration different factors such as:

  • Traffic jams
  • Number of stops
  • Construction blockades
  • Time needed

Remember, both new and seasoned drivers need to plan their stops accordingly, but even more so for newbies who are most likely to struggle.

Two of the best route planner apps you can try are Route4Me and Onfleet.

3. Stick to Safety Procedures

Most likely, your company has safety guidelines that you went through in your training. It’s an important aspect of any job, and your job as a driver makes it necessary to have safety procedures.

Your wellbeing, that of others on the road, and the safety of company property may very well depend on routine safety checks. Here are some regular checks you should be doing:

Vehicle Inspection

Inspect your vehicle before setting out to avoid a host of problems on the road. Check the tires, carry a spare, check the wipers, test the brakes, and

listen to your engine. You want to ensure everything is in good condition.

Weather Analysis

Bad weather is a big cause of accidents because it can reduce visibility and create difficult road conditions. There are also chances of flash floods and mudslides.

Traffic Checks

Bad traffic is undoubtedly a nightmare for delivery drivers and can contribute to disregarding safety measures. Tune in to some local radio stations for traffic updates and use a route planner.

4. Avoid Speeding

Delivery drivers, much like others on the road, get in trouble for speeding and violating other traffic rules.

Speeding, however, is one of the most common issues delivery guys have, which in turn may lead to other violations like parking in the wrong spots.

Two of the main reasons a delivery driver would go over the speed limit are time constraints and their bottomline.

Newbies are most likely to run late if they struggle to find their way. This could lead to speeding and, unfortunately, accidents. Learn more here about accidents involving delivery drivers and the steps you can take to receive legal aid.


Delivery is one of those jobs that may rely on factors like speed and the number of hours put in to make the most of it. For newbies, such a system can have negative results. If you’re a new driver in the delivery industry, we hope the above tips will come in handy as you learn more about your job.