It can be a very frustrating experience if all of a sudden, your child doesn’t want to go to preschool anymore. It’s especially confusing if there were no problems like that in the past. But you have to understand that everything happens for a reason. You also aren’t happy if you have to do something that you don’t feel like doing, but, of course, you don’t act like that then. Children are different. When they cry, get hysterical or act out every morning before you take them to preschool, it’s one of their ways to tell you that something is not alright.

Find the problem

Before you take any actions, you should analyze the situation, and think of possible reasons that might make your children act this way. Try to remember whether negative behaviour was a thing for a longer period or is it something new? One of the possible reasons for your child behaviour can be separation anxiety. It’s most likely to occur at the beginning of the school year. Give your child some time, and see if it changes after a week or two.

It often happens that some critical preschool change is the main factor of your child anxiety. A lot of things can cause negative emotions. If your baby doesn’t like the new teacher or any other change that was introduced recently, it might be the reason for their behaviour. Also, peers changes are hard to deal with for kids. If your child’s best friend had to change school, it’s undoubtedly a negative thing that might make your toddler feel lonely. According to PDPlay, eliminating loneliness, and encouraging friendship are one of the crucial factors of your child’s happiness.

You should also ask yourself if there were any significant routine changes in your child’s life, and if the answer to this question is yes – it could be the cause of the problem.

Be aware that even the smallest thing could make your child unhappy. Analyze the situation in detail, as it’s not always easy to find the problem source. But it’s necessary to come up with a solution.

Talk to preschool teachers

Find some time and visit the school. If you couldn’t find the reason for your child’s behaviour, conversation with teachers will surely help. Ask if and how your child interacts with others and what are the things that they like and dislike. If they feel lonely, that’s the most likely cause of their behaviour. Maybe teachers will tell you about some other concerns that you didn’t know. It often happens that even the little things might make children feel bad. These little things are something that you’d never expect, such as unappetizing food, too loud music etc. Try to come up with the possible reasons with your child’s teachers, and evaluate if the stress or can be removed or somehow avoided.

Talk with your child

You might suspect what the potential problems are, but you can never be sure. That’s why it’s essential to talk with your kid, of course, if they can speak. Ask what their favourite and least favourite part of the day are. If your children can clearly express their feelings, it’ll be easier to determine what to do next.

If they can’t tell about their problems, try to provide them with proper language. Show them how they should express their emotions and feelings, and why it’s better to talk about the problem instead of crying. When they can talk about what they like and dislike with ease, it’ll be easier for you to help them.

How can you make them feel secure?

You’re the most important person in your child’s life. If they can’t be with you for a longer time, it’s natural that they can feel anxious about it. But there are some things that you can do to help them feel better. Give your toddler something that they associate with mom or dad. If they can have it, they will feel more secure, and somehow connected with you. It can be, for example, photography with you and them. Whenever they are not happy, they can look at it, and think of you. That will cheer them up.

Also, show them that there’s a connection between you and their caretakers. You don’t have to be their best friend, but it’ll help if you’re in good relations with teachers. If you smile, interact happily and laugh together, it’ll be easier for your child to accept, and like their teachers.

Before you go to preschool, tell them about fun things they’ll be doing today. Tell that they’ll be able to play with their friends, or do some activity that they enjoy. Focus your child’s attention on positive things, and it’ll be easier for them to like preschool.

It’s a stressful situation not only for your kid but also for you when toddlers don’t want to go to preschool. Do everything you can to find out what makes them unhappy about the place, and what you can do to change it.

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