Python is a high-level, object-oriented, interpreted programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built-in data structures, combined with dynamic binding and dynamic typing, make it particularly appealing for Rapid Application Development. Additionally, it can be used as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components.

Python’s simple, easy-to-learn syntax strongly favors readability, lowering the cost of program maintenance. Furthermore, Python provides support for modules and packages, which promotes programme modularity and code reuse. Python’s comprehensive standard library and interpreter are free to use and are accessible in source or binary form for all popular platforms.

Why Should Everyone Learn Python in 2021?

If you’re considering learning Python but aren’t sure why you should, here are ten reasons why you should in 2021. However, it depends on who is willing to learn it; for example, learning Python makes perfect sense for a novice because it is quick and easy. Thus, the primary reason for learning Python is simplicity.

Likewise, for an experienced programmer interested in Data Science and Machine Learning, learning Python makes more sense because it is rapidly becoming the most popular programming language. In addition, there are powerful Data Science, Machine Learning APIs and libraries available.

  • Easy-to-learn
  • Demand
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Web Development
  • Frameworks and Libraries
  • Huge Python Community

1. Easy-to-learn

This is the most important reason for beginners to learn Python. When you first begin programming and coding, you don’t want to use a programming language with complicated syntax and strange rules.

Python is both readable and easy to learn. It’s also simpler to set up; you won’t have to deal with classpath issues like in Java or compiler issues like in C++.

Simply Install Django, and you’re done. While installing, it will also prompt you to add Python to your PATH, allowing users to run Python from anywhere on their machine.

2. Demand

Python is already in high demand, which is yet another reason to use it. As a Python developer, you have a lot of choices because employers use Python in several different disciplines. For example, you can specialize in data analysis, web development, DevOps, machine learning, and other fields.

If you are a beginner, you don’t have to worry about what field you will eventually specialize in and can rather focus all of your energy on learning to code. Year after year, the demand for Python developers grows. Python is one of the world’s fastest-growing programming languages, outpacing others such as JavaScript and Java.

3. Machine Learning

Another good reason why programmers are learning Python in 2021 is because of Machine learning. It has grown exponentially in the last few years, and it is rapidly changing everything around us.

Algorithms are becoming more sophisticated with each passing day; the biggest analogy is Google’s Search Algorithms, which can now respond to what you expect. In addition, there are Chatbots available to answer your questions, and Algorithms entirely power Uber.

If you’re interested in machine learning, want to work on a side project, or just have fun, Python is the only major programming language that makes it simple.

4. Data Science

Data science is considered to be a multidisciplinary field that extracts knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data using scientific methodology, methods, algorithms, and mechanisms. Data science is just the same principle as data mining and big data in that it uses the most powerful programming systems, hardware and algorithms to solve problems.

It is the single most important reason why many programmers are learning Python. A number of tools designed specifically for data science have been developed in recent years. As a result, data analysis with Python has never been simpler. Python’s libraries and frameworks are what really make it a preferred language for data science.

5. Web Development

Another reason to learn Python is for web development. It has many useful libraries and frameworks, such as Django and Flask, that make web development a breeze.

A task that would take hours in PHP could be completed in minutes in Python. Python can also be used extensively for web scraping. Python is used to build some of the most popular websites on the Internet, such as Reddit.

6. Frameworks and Libraries

The overwhelming number of open source modules, frameworks and libraries available to do anything you want is one of the common features between Python and Java. It dramatically simplifies application development.

Imagine developing a web application in Java without Spring or in Python without Flask and Django. It simplifies your job because you only need to concentrate on business logic.

Python has a plethora of libraries to meet a variety of needs. For example, Django and Flask are two of the most popular web development frameworks, while SciPy and NumPy are data science frameworks.

7. Huge Python Community

Python has a vast community that can assist you with programming errors or software issues. You can post your doubts in the community forums, and participants will respond in real-time.

It would be best if you had a community to learn and grow and your best asset when learning a programming language is your friends. But, unfortunately, you frequently become stuck with one or more issues, and at those times, you require assistance.

You can find solutions to any Python-related query in minutes, thanks to Google. Communities like Stack Overflow also bring together a large number of Python experts to assist newcomers.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Python?

In general, learning Python programming fundamentals, such as basic Python syntax, object-oriented programming, data types, loops, variables, and functions, can take anywhere from five to ten weeks. However, you can learn enough to write your first short program in just a few minutes. On the other hand, it can take months or years to master Python’s vast array of libraries.

The time it takes to learn Python Django using available online Django tutorial will vary depending on your objectives. For instance, if you want to start understanding enough Python to simplify a particular job task, you will most likely be able to do so faster than if you want to learn enough Python to get a job as a data analyst. Python mastery is a continuous process in which you learn what you need to know as you require it.

Other elements that influence how quickly you learn Python are as follows:

• Learning technique: Courses well-structured and aligned with your goals can often speed up your learning.

• Prior programming knowledge: You might find Python easier to learn if you have previously written code.

• Learning time: How much time can you devote to learning and practising Python? In general, it’s a good idea to set aside some time every day.

Surely, the reasons listed above are enough to convince you to learn Python, as it is one of the most extensively used and in-demand programming languages in the technological world, and it is expected to increase even further in 2021. Various Python tutorial for beginners is available on the net. 

If you want to learn Python in 2021, it all tends to depend on what you want to achieve. Python is the best programming language for beginners; it is rapidly growing and has a broad community. On the other hand, if you are a brand new programmer and are debating whether to learn Python or Java, you should choose Python to increase your chances of succeeding.

Now that you’ve learned the Top 7 Reasons to Learn Python Programming and how it can help you advance in your career, the next step is simple. Get started with learning the fundamentals in python programming for beginners.

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