5 Tips to Make RV Camping Comfortable

Why does RV camping have to feel cramped and uncomfortable? You can make the most of your time with these handy tips, and ensure your next RV camping trip is your best one yet.

Pick a Spot for Comfort

Picking your parking spot is the first step toward making your RV camping feel a bit more comfortable. You want to try to find a spot that will always be shady, that’s flat enough to build a fire on and set up sleeping bags or tents and that is close to a water source of some kind. If you can manage all of that, the other things won’t be quite as bothersome. If you aren’t thinking about your comfort and just going for the first available spot, then after a day or two there you will probably wish you hadn’t rushed into the spot.

Pack a Table

Not all campsites have a table, so you want to be prepared with one of your own. You might think that you can rough it and have your meals on the ground, but after a few meals that way, you will miss the comfort of having a table to set things on and to at least give you some space to lay out all the food. Try to make the most of your space by using a foldable table and foldable chairs as well, if you have them. That way, you can pack more stuff you’ll need and give yourself more room inside the camper.

Make Your RV a Total Relaxing Zone

Your Recreational Vehicles can be your home away from home, and you’ll want to retreat there after a lot of time outdoors, especially if you are sleeping outside. If you have the space, look into RV recliners and wall huggers so you can really ease back and relax every now and then. There are other ways to make RV camping more relaxing as well, such as having a portable heater with you for cold nights and downloading some movies onto your portable device for when you can’t get a wi-fi signal. You can also pack some extra cushions to help ease into comfort wherever you hang out in the RV. You’ll likely feel sore after a few days of camping and outdoor activities, and the cushions can help.

Make a Checklist Ahead of Time

There are few things that ruin an RV camping trip more than when you get out to your parking spot and realize that you forgot something. The best way to avoid that is to sit down and make up a checklist ahead of time. It’s ideal to start a few days before you need to pack, which gives you time to add things to the checklist that you won’t think of right away. Also, think about all the activities you will be doing each day and be sure to pack adequately for each of them. You should also pack extra of the essentials, like fire starters, gasoline, food, water and first aid supplies. 

Plan for the Weather

Of course you want the weather to be nice for your RV camping trip, and you probably checked the weather ahead of time to ensure you picked a good time to go, but things happen that are unexpected and ultimately out of your control. You can prepare for bad weather, however, by bringing raincoats, activities to do inside the RV, snow equipment, tent pegs in case of strong winds and a way to clean clothes inside your RV if there is too much rain (or enough clothes to last until the end of the trip, if you don’t get a chance to do laundry). If you’ve brought your dog with you on your trip and you’re expecting winter weather, a pet bike trailer will ensure they don’t hurt their paw pads on cold ice or rough terrain.

You cannot predict everything bad that could happen on your camping trip, but you can be ready to handle it. You’ll have a much better time on your trip if you have a way to deal with bad weather conditions rather than just hoping the weather works in your favor. 

Final Thoughts

The next time you think about taking your RV camping, you don’t have to dread the parking spaces that aren’t ideal and inconveniences that may have marked past trips. You can enjoy your time a whole lot more if you put some of these tips into practice. 

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