In 2019, 5,014 motorcyclists were killed in motorcycle accidents. Countless more were injured. Motorcycling is a fun, thrilling hobby that many people participate in, but it’s also dangerous and calls for a certain level of caution.

If you are a motorcyclist, before you take your first ride you need to educate yourself about what to do if you are in a motorcycle accident. Keep reading to find out more.

Call the Police

The very first call you make should be the police. After a road accident, law enforcement will likely show up regardless. But if they don’t you must call them and inform them of what happened.

Even if there are no serious injuries, you must file a police report. Without the protection of a police report, the second party will be able to change their story to get out of paying what they owe.

Even if the other driver promises to reimburse you for your damages, file that police report. You must protect yourself.

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most deadly vehicle accidents. Even if you don’t feel injured, you could just be experiencing the effects of shock and adrenaline.

If there are emergency responders, talk to them regardless of how you feel. You could have some unseen or unfelt internal damage that could become deadly later on.

Allow a qualified healthcare provider to assess your injuries for your sake.

Additionally, the medical documentation will be evidence during any future litigation you may have to take part in.

If you’re seriously injured, this is the end of what you can do directly after an accident. Go to the hospital and let the police do the rest of the work. But if you’re uninjured, there’s more that you can do to ensure you’re protected legally.

Gather Your Evidence

As you wait for the police to arrive, gather all of the evidence you can. Get the other driver’s name and license number. Take down the names of the passengers and witnesses, plus any contact information they’re willing to share with you.

Exchange insurance records and document the plates of all the vehicles involved.

Take pictures with your phone of the scene. Include any damage done to your vehicle, the other driver’s vehicle, and any structural damage done as well.

The police will also collect this information, but you are the one with first-hand knowledge of what happened. You’ll do a more thorough job of collecting evidence.

File an Insurance Claim

Next, you need to file a claim with your insurance company. This is the first step to being reimbursed for your damages. Even if you are not at fault, most insurance companies ask that you file a claim.

Typically, the insurance company will send a person to investigate the accident and collect information as well. They’re trying to determine who is liable for the damage. An adjuster will be responsible for handling the claim process.

In a perfect world, every insurance company will be on our side. But remember, they are there to make money. Don’t offer any extra information.

Even seemingly innocuous pieces of information could wind up reducing your compensation.

Keep All Receipts, Bills, and Pay Stubs

If you were injured in your motorcycle accident, your medical bills are going to start piling up. But that’s not the only expense to consider when keeping track of the money spent on your motorcycle accident.

Any injuries, lost wages, or medical treatment bills you have should be kept. You’ll be responsible for proving all of the financial losses you suffered related to the accident and your injures.

Your pay stubs are an important part of proving your income before your accident, especially if you lost time at work to recover from your injury.

Keep a Daily Journal

When you file a lawsuit, it becomes difficult to account for exactly how much economic damage you’ve taken. The best way to show the ways the accident has caused you harm is by keeping a daily log.

Write down the way you’re thinking, feeling, and the things about your injuries that you’re observing. The doctor can then use those details to both treat you and present them as evidence if you wind up going to court.

Contact a Lawyer

If you think you’ll have to fight to receive any reimbursement for your damages, you should call a motorcycle accident lawyer. A lawyer who has experience working in this field can look over the details of your case. If they think you have room to fight for more money, they’ll take your case on and help you win as much as possible. The Hirsch and Lyon Accident Law firm encourages those who suffered a transit accident to act as soon as possible according to the respective law code of each state.

Visit this resource on personal injury claims from a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Don’t Accept an Early Settlement

The one thing your insurance company knows is that you need your money as soon as possible. They will do whatever they can to get you to accept a settlement early so they can avoid paying you what you deserve.

Hire a reputable lawyer before they have the chance to sweet talk you into taking a bad deal.

Stay Off Social Media

Lastly, stay off social media. Insurance providers will have investigators look at your social media to see if you’re actually as injured as you claim you are. They could misinterpret your photos, messages, or anything else you post to reduce your claim.

You may want to consider making all of your social media private. They could look back in your history to see if there is any way to claim that another accident or condition is the cause of your injuries.

Following Up on Your Motorcycle Accident

After you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, the last thing you want is to feel like you have to worry about money right away. But unfortunately, if you want to see a dime in reimbursement, you have to jump on the insurance train early. Get a good lawyer on your side so they can help you through the rocky process.

For more tips on how to live your healthiest life, keep reading!