Many people make the mistake of overlooking the air quality of their homes. Their failure to notice is often associated with their tendency to think that air pollution is only restricted to the outdoors. However, not only are homes not exempt from air pollution, they can even be more polluted. And with the average person spending the better half of their lives inside their homes, improving indoor air quality is imperative.

First, you will need to familiarize yourself with common air pollutants, in order to make sure they are suspended. They can range from intrusive contaminants to dangerous gas leaks and can include carbon monoxide, asbestos and lead particles. That said,

Here are five easy ways to help you improve the air quality in your home:

1.  Clean the Floors

Clean the Floors

The easiest way to ensure improved air quality is to regularly clean your floors. By keeping your floors, fresh, you will be removing chemicals, allergens and other toxins that can accumulate in dust, and cause great harm. You will also be reducing lead concentrations in your home. For best results, you will need to use a vacuum cleaner. But it is best to make sure it features a HEPA filter, which prevents dust and dirt from getting blown in the exhaust. Typically, vacuuming 2-3 times a week will guarantee that your floors remain clean. However, you will have to mop up afterward, since vacuuming can leave some dust behind. Also, look to place floor mats at every entrance, as they can pick up most pollutants off people’s shoes.

2. Change Air Filters

Air filters find a variety of uses, ranging from your AC, vacuum cleaner, kitchen vents, clothes dryer and more. Their jobs are to prevent air pollutants from entering. However, over time the filters get clogged, and they go from ideal preventatives to being a source of intrusive contaminants. For that reason, you will need to periodically maintain and change them, in order to ensure their efficiency. The home improvement advisors over at stress the importance of finding a filter with a MERV rating of at least 8, or ideally opting for higher ratings, with the highest being 13. This is because they offer increased filtration and elevated performance by trapping 85% to 98% of air particles. Doing so will reduce intrusive air pollutants.

3. Humidity

Homes are commonly infected with dust mites, and mold loves moisture, among other allergens. The best way to get rid of them, or at least keep them under control is to set a healthy level of humidity in your home. Typically, humidity levels should be between 30%-50%, in order to ensure the best results. Moreover, you will need a dehumidifier and air conditioner, which helps lower indoor moisture. It can also positively impact the pollen count, so as to help people with allergies.

Read More: How Air Purifiers Work and Why You Need Them

4. Do Not Smoke

Smoking is really bad for your health, and equally as bad for your home’s air quality. Aside from smokers harming themselves, those surrounding the smoker will also be impacted by secondhand smoking. In fact, since cigarettes contain more than 4,000 chemicals, it can increase the risks of respiratory and ear infections among children, as well as cause breathing problems, strokes and cancer. That said, if you cannot stop smoking, perhaps trying nicotine-replacement therapy, or other medication can help. If you remain out of luck, then try joining a support group.

5. Test for Radon

Regardless of how new or old your home may be, it is always important to test for radon. Essentially, radon is a very dangerous odorless and colorless gas that can increase the risk of lung cancer, which smokers are at a greater risk for. In fact, it is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. This radioactive gas is produced from the natural decay of uranium, which is found in almost all soils. Typically, radon will move into your home through the cracks in the foundation. Moreover, experts have found that granite can also put your home at risk from radon.

Improving air quality in your home is important for many reasons, with the most obvious relating to health. However, it goes beyond just preserving your health, as it also relieves you of the stress involved with inhabiting an unclean home. Moreover, improved air quality helps address other various issues, such as allergies, which can be a nuisance for those allergic to pollen. But, in order to achieve better air quality, you will need to regularly apply several preventative maintenance methods, and work hard at preserving the cleanliness of your home.

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