5 Simple Ways To Reduce Sweating In The Summer

With the advent of summer and rising temperatures, sweating becomes an annoying problem that many face, especially during daylight hours and when outside. 

But at the same time, sweating in the summer is considered the body’s natural way to regulate its temperature, but excessive sweating may cause embarrassment and inconvenience. 

In order to avoid excessive sweating and being disturbed by its unpleasant smell, in this article we review the main causes of excessive sweating during the summer and present several effective ways to prevent it.

 What are the causes of increased sweating in the summer?

Excessive sweating in the summer can result from several different factors, some of which are known, and others are things that are not paid much attention to.

Among the most prominent causes of sweating in the summer, we find high temperatures, which is considered the most obvious cause, as the body secretes sweat to help cool itself.

High humidity also makes it difficult for sweat to evaporate, which increases the feeling of heat and humidity in the body.

There is also excessive physical activity, such as exercise or physical activities in hot climates, which increases the body’s sweating.

The person’s health condition should also not be forgotten, as some diseases such as hyperhidrosis or hormonal disorders can cause increased sweating.

In order to avoid this condition and excessive sweating, there are a set of easy and practical methods that can be followed to obtain the desired result.

Apply antiperspirant before bedtime

Antiperspirants function by blocking sweat ducts, preventing sweat from reaching the skin’s surface. If applied too early, the glands continue to produce sweat, but it remains trapped below the surface.

Deodorants don’t entirely stop sweating; instead, they are designed to mask the odor produced by bacteria when we perspire.

Sometimes antiperspirants contain deodorant, and the majority of antiperspirants you can buy at the pharmacy are made of mineral salts called aluminum chloride.

For optimal results from antiperspirant, ensure your underarm area is clean and dry. Apply it at night before bed to allow the ingredients time to form a barrier over the sweat ducts.

It’s important to note that it may not work immediately, but adhering to this routine for a few nights will yield the desired results. Once the antiperspirant takes effect, it can be used as needed.

Sweating in the summer
Sweating in the summer

Wear breathable fabrics

The best way to help reduce sweating is by choosing clothing with light, breathable fabrics. 

Light colors also help reflect sunlight rather than absorb it, so wearing white can help keep you cool and reduce sweating. When this is not an option, it is recommended to choose dark colors or distracting patterns that hide sweat. 

Including coffee. Avoid some foods

There are some food choices that you may be advised to avoid when you are outside, because they may be among the causes of excessive sweating.

Spicy food should definitely be avoided, as our bodies react to spicy food in the same way as they react to any other heat: they try to cool things down, which leads to sweating.

It is also not recommended to drink coffee or consume caffeine because it stimulates the adrenal glands in the body and causes sweating in the palms, feet, and underarms.

Reduce movement and hydration

Sweating is your body’s way of cooling down, so by staying cool, you reduce the need to sweat, which means moving less as well.

In hot weather, it can be really helpful to place a bowl of ice in front of the fan to distribute the cool air throughout the room. 

Another good idea is to keep the curtains open during the day to prevent the sun from overheating the room.

Eat food in small quantities

Eating smaller meals more regularly can help keep you refreshed, as metabolic heat is needed to break down food.

Staying well hydrated throughout the day will also keep your body temperature down , reducing possible sweating in the summer.

You can also keep the smoothies in the refrigerator to have a cooling effect when consuming them.

Medical treatments

If you feel like you are sweating excessively, you may need to consult your doctor to find out if you have a condition called hyperhidrosis.

If you do, there are several treatment options available to you, including:

Prescription antiperspirants, which contain high levels of caffeine, can only be obtained with a prescription. Additionally, there are creams available that help prevent excessive sweating in specific areas of the body.

Certain medications are available that inhibit chemicals responsible for nerve communication, effectively reducing sweating.

Antidepressants can be an effective treatment for anxiety-induced excessive sweating. Consequently, a doctor may prescribe them to manage both conditions.

Botox injections temporarily inhibit the nerves responsible for sweating. These effects last for 6 to 12 months, after which the treatment needs to be repeated.

In severe cases, surgical options are available, such as microwave therapy, sweat gland removal, and neurosurgery.

  1. Can excessive sweating in the summer be a sign of a serious health condition?

    While it is normal to sweat more in hot weather, excessive sweating can also be a symptom of underlying health conditions such as hyperhidrosis or hormonal disorders. If you are concerned about your excessive sweating, it is best to consult with your doctor.

  2. Are there any natural remedies for reducing excessive sweating in the summer?

    Yes, there are several natural remedies that may help reduce excessive sweating. These include drinking sage tea, applying apple cider vinegar to the skin, and practicing relaxation techniques to manage stress levels.

  3. Is it safe to use antiperspirants every day?

    Most antiperspirants are designed for daily use, but some may cause irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive skin. It is important to read the instructions and ingredients carefully before using any antiperspirant and discontinue use if you experience any negative side effects.

  4. Can certain foods affect excessive sweating?

    Spicy foods and caffeine have been known to stimulate sweat production, so it is recommended to avoid these foods when experiencing excessive sweating in the summer. However, each person’s body responds differently, so it is best to pay attention to your own body’s reactions and make dietary adjustments as needed.

  5. Can wearing certain types of fabrics worsen excessive sweating?

    Yes, certain fabrics such as polyester or nylon can trap heat and moisture, leading to increased sweating. It is best to choose breathable fabrics like cotton or linen during hot weather to help keep you cool and reduce sweating.


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