Best Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat


Excess fat around the belly is a common complaint for many, but it is also one of the most dangerous. Increased belly fat and liver fat can lead to insulin resistance and a host of metabolic problems, including diabetes.

Do you find yourself exercising but seeing no change to your belly fat? There is a reason the phrase “abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym” is so often repeated. Belly fat has most to do with what you put into your body on a daily basis and what you are giving it to fuel itself. Below, we’ve offered a few tips that will help you drop that stubborn belly fat (and only one is an exercise!)

3Aerobic Exercise

Exercise is beneficial for a host of reasons, but the benefits of exercise is not the goal of this article. There is one exercise that stands above the others are being the most helpful for losing belly fat and that is aerobic exercise.

You may be thinking: what about my sit-ups? But keep in mind that in one study, six weeks of training just the abdominal muscles had no measurable effect on waist circumference or the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity.
Long story short? You cannot spot reduce fat.

Aerobic exercise (like walking, running, swimming, etc) has been shown to result in great reductions in belly fat in numerous studies. So strap on your shoes and get that heart rate up.

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