Need help getting your IDP online? Find out how in this guide!

When traveling overseas, you need to have an international driver’s permit. They will save you time when renting cars in a different country. Fortunately, they’re not difficult to obtain.

And in this guide, we’ll teach you how to apply for  international driving license online. By getting it from a legitimate AAA or AATA site, you’ll have an international driver’s license in your home within 14 days.

So let’s get started!

What is an International Driver’s Permit?

An international driver’s permit is a legal document that translates your domestic driver’s license. Because of this, the international driver’s permit gives you the ability to drive in different countries.

Remember, it’s a translation of your domestic driver’s license. It’s NOT a substitute for it. This means that you need to carry both your driver’s license and international driver’s permit when traveling internationally.

There are over 100+ countries that accept IDPs. But just because a country honors the IDP system, doesn’t mean that you need one to drive there To be safe, it’s best that you keep your IDP with you so that you don’t face any legal trouble if you’re pulled over.

When researching a country’s IDP rules, it’s a good idea not to rely on the rental car companies to give you the correct information. You should also look at the driving laws of your destination. Doing a bit of Googling will help you before you get behind the wheel.

How Can I Apply For my IDP?

Here’s how you can apply for international driving license online:

  • Must be 18+ years old and have a valid  US driver’s license.
  • Submit two 2″x 2″ identical passport photos that are signed on the back.
  • $20 for the application fee.
  • If mailing the application, you have to send a photocopy of both sides of your driver’s license.

If you are applying in person, make sure to apply at an AAA office, you have to get the passport photos first. Photo Studio Calgary would be great for beautiful passport and rush ID photos. Because you will have to pay $15 in extra fees if you’re not a member. But some AAA memberships have a discounted passport service each year.

Bottom Line

As we stated earlier, If you’re going to rent a car on your international trip, you need to know the country’s driving laws. There are some countries that allow US citizens to drive without any paper work! But for some countries like Japan, you’re required to have an international driver’s license and your license before you’re legally able to drive.

There are only 2 organizations where you can apply for an international driving license online. And they only charge a $20 fee. So if you find a website selling the IDPs at an absurd price, chances are they’re a scam.

If you have to get an IDP, make sure you get it before leaving the country. When in doubt, always apply either through the mail or in person.

Do you have any additional questions about your international driver’s license?

Tell us in the comments below!