When children lose their baby teeth and gain their adult teeth, problems can develop. Teeth might come in crossed over one another or with gaps between them. A child’s jaw might develop improperly, presenting as an overbite or underbite. Any of these dental problems can affect the individual’s health, well-being, and self-esteem. To address these dental concerns, seeking the expertise of a professional dentist in richmond hill Ny becomes paramount. A skilled and experienced practitioner can assess and rectify issues related to tooth alignment, jaw development, and overall oral health, ensuring the child’s well-being and fostering a positive self-esteem.
Social Media Use Can Inflame Self-esteem Issues
Most young adults use social media – about 88%, according to the Cielo Treatment Center. Social media revolves around photos and videos. Kids without appropriately formed teeth and facial bones may avoid this important socialization method or develop lower self-esteem because of the way they look in photos. Although a boost of self-esteem for their child doesn’t lead every parent to pursue dental treatment for their youngster, it does provide a bonus to the improvement in health.
Many Children Wear Braces
Children who require braces for dental treatment typically receive them between the ages of 10 and 13, according to Very Well Health. Braces may not correct all problems, but their use does realign teeth and frequently forms the crux of any straightening and realignment. Surgery, implants, and various devices, such as retainers, may round out the maxillofacial treatments.
Self-esteem Boosts Start While Wearing Braces or Aligners
When choosing between traditional and invisible braces, consider the self-esteem factor for your child. Of the children who undergo realignment, 22% who wear traditional metal braces begin experiencing a self-esteem boost during treatment, but 47% of those wearing Invisalign Teen experienced a self-esteem boost during treatment. That remarkable figure shows more than twice the young people started feeling better about themselves while wearing dental appliances.
Why This Boost Happens
Children undergoing dental treatments don’t just see their smile change. Dental health affects all other areas of health, so treatment results in overall improvements in well-being. A malformed bite, for example, can develop into TMJ, a painful disorder in which the jaw malfunctions, creating problems chewing and potentially causing headaches.
Overbites and underbites may affect an individual’s ability to chew food. A child with poor bite or open-bite, a disorder in which the lips don’t close over the teeth cannot properly eat. This malformation may result in malnourishment or the child resorting to dining on soft, nearly liquid foods that require no chewing.
When an individual develops teeth with gaps between them, it offers a place for food to stick and bacteria to develop. Bacterial infections in the teeth can develop, causing illness and tooth loss. This tooth loss compounds the problem of related health issues, loss of self-esteem, and inability to chew properly.
Dental development problems can affect speech, too. Children may become quiet and unwilling to try to speak. This stymies their social interaction and can hinder proper socialization. Along with speech, malformation of the palate and facial structure can result in breathing problems.
Get Kids Into the Dentist’s Chair
The world over, access to proper dental care continues to increase. Parents take their children to the dentist beginning at one year of age. These early visits lead to improved dental health by spotting problems as they develop and starting treatment immediately.
With early treatment, children can experience the self-esteem boost of improved dental health while still in their developmental years. This early correction enables the child to learn to speak properly, and to socialize appropriately. When your dentist reports a problem with the development of your child’s jaw or teeth, immediately pursue treatment. This early action can ensure that your offspring can eat, speak, and breathe normally. It also provides added self-confidence at a formative age when it matters most.