How To Figure Out Black Magic

Black magic is a part of almost all cultures and mythologies. Let’s see describe some of the most iconic figures of the European continent related to this sphere.

Devil is the most common and popular figure of the European demonology. He is also known by the name Satan and some others depending on the country and language. As a general definition of unholy power, Devil can be personification of any deity that causes harm to humans. Devil’s most popular places of residing are crossroads, cemeteries, abandoned churches and houses, dust-holes, etc. His activity is usually noticeable at noontime and at midnight. Satan is often depicted looking similar to a human but he has a tail, claws, horns and black hair covering his body. His eyes and tongue are red and he is lame of one leg because he doesn’t have heel. Horns are often hidden under a top hat that is why Devil a little bit looks like a gentleman in some cases. Many sources say that he likes to turn into a sheep, sometimes into a cat, dog, rabbit or grass snake. In order to protect themselves from Devil, people put crosses in certain places of their houses and wear medallions in the form of a cross on their necks. This figure of black magic is often mentioned im many sayings, for example, “Only devil knows”, “What the devil?!”, “Sly as a devil”, etc. People believe that devil wants to steal their souls or buy it for material goods and this is associated with another saying “He sold his soul to the devil”.

According to the people’s beliefs, witches were women who did harm to others using their super natural abilities. People were always afraid of them because they thought that witch were the cause of many problems in their life, health issues and other evil that happened around them. There are witches that were born this way and other so called learned witches who gained their power and abilities by selling their soul to the devil or learning from other witches during their life. Learned witches were considered to be more evil because they gained their knowledge deliberately. At the same time, born witches were considered more powerful. Interesting to know that they were able to turn into different animals like frogs, cats, dogs, pigs, snakes and others. To protect themselves and their houses from witches, people used consecrated salt, ashes or water. Besides that, they often hanged scythe, sickle, knife or an axe above entry doors. In old times, it was believed that witches could steal stars from the sky and hide them in their cursed house, cause draught that destroyed crops, drop enchanted items in the yard that caused diseases, quarrels or even death. People believe that witches can not die until they transfer their power to someone else. It could be their children, grandchildren or close relatives. In medieval times many women became victims and were burnt by the church because someone thought they were witched due to certain details of their appearance or behavior. For example, a woman could be killed just because she was very beautiful and, therefore, she was a witch.

Werewolf is a person that can become a wolf for a certain amount of time. This myth appeared a long time ago. In the 5th century B.C., Herodotus described one of the Slavic tribe as werewolves who once a year turned into wolves for several days and then return to their previous appearance. Ukrainian sources mention some Cossack warriors and their leaders who were able to be like a wolf when needed. Sorcerers deliberately become wolves to do evil things. There is an opinion that werewolves have human shadows or even look like half-human covered with hairs and having had of the animal. They say you make them become humans again if you throw a pitchfork over him or hit by it between his eyes, if you call him by his name or feed him with bread. In many cases, people believe that silver bullet or knife can kill a werewolf.

There are many names for this black magic idol that is first mentioned in the 14th century – house spirit, sprite, brownie; goblin, hobgoblin; bogy. Bogy’s origin is associated with the souls of deceased relatives. He appears in the house after cellar or fireplace is built, or after someone in the family dies. Many people believe that Bogy is invisible, others think that he looks like an animal or half-human and half-animal. Most of all, he is considered as a positive figure. He always helps the owner of the house, guards his belongings. But sometimes he can do harm depending on the behavior of the hosts. He doesn’t like when there is a lot of dirt in the house, when the owners quarrel, when they leave garlic, knife, salt on the kitchen table. To make Bogy kind, you should feed him. After the supper, people often left a few spoons of food at the table or something sweet for him near the fireplace or in the cellar. Just do not forget that he does not like salt, it will make him angry.

Mermaids were children who died and were never Christened, drowned girls, women who were asked but died before the marriage. Only worthy and righteous people are able to see mermaids. It is believed that nowadays no one can see them because there is a lot of sin in this world. In most cases they are depicted like women with a fish tale but it is not always like that. In different mythologies they can have different names and descriptions. Some sources describe them as small children who live on the trees or near river shores.

Black Magic Figures

There are many figurines that are associated with black magic, mythology and culture of different regions in our online shop. You can choose a single one or a collection of them to be part of your collection. Also, these items will perfectly fit the design of any interior and emphasize the fact that you are fond of old history, legends and mythology. Any black magic figure can be easily transported and taken from one place to another when you travel or move to another place of living. These items will be a good present to your friend on some occasion. They are made by professional craftsmen, retain their shape, do not deform or crack.


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