How to Improve Your Home Security

Burglary is among the most common crimes in the UK. Thousands of homeowners fall prey to burglars because they don’t have enough security features installed around their property. If you don’t want to lose your prized possessions, you should priorities your property’s security. Find out how you can reinforce your existing security features below.Read CPI Security reviews for a better option.

Know what you need to work on

Every house is different, so it pays to do a full analysis of the property. Check the quality of the doors you use. Can a burglar easily break in? Are the locks updated? Also, forget about putting your spare key in obvious places such as under the mat

Or a pot. Place it somewhere no one will ever suspect.

After checking the doors, proceed to assess the windows. Are the installed locks working properly? How easily can a burglar break into your home via the windows?

Then, check your garage and backyard. Some criminals prefer to get inside a property via the garden or garage. This is why you have to make a few adjustments such as adding motion activated path lights, cutting the grass short, adding gravel around the backyard and checking if the automatic garage opener still works.

Call in an expert

Sometimes, it can be hard to spot what’s wrong if you don’t have the necessary background and training. There are companies specialising in security Oxford residents can consult if they need help to figure out what needs improving. A security specialist can assess your property to determine which areas might be used as entry points. They can tell you what type of cameras to use, where to install the CCTV system and what additional features you may need.

Professionals can immediately identify issues that may pose a threat to your home’s overall security such as damaged garage doors or defective door locks.

Working out the issues as early as possible

Once you know what areas you need to work on, you should act immediately. Replace the damaged parts and install the equipment needed right away. Delaying might only provide an opportunity for the criminally inclined.

There are also additional things you can do to safeguard your valuables. For example, you can ask your friend or neighbour to collect your mail while you’re away. A cluttered mailbox gives the impression that the homeowner is away.

You can also try investing in home automation tools that will allow you to program the lights to turn on and off at random times to give the impression that someone is home.

Lastly, when you go on vacation, avoid posting everything on social media. Posting your plans will only make you a target of burglars; Post updates after your trip.

It can be quite traumatising to become a victim of burglars. Protect your family, home and other valuables from criminals by making the right adjustments as soon as possible. Installing the necessary residential security systems can drastically decrease your chances of getting burgled.


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