Moving a business into the digital world is one of the main strategies that every business conducts to improve its brand awareness and attract more customers. Various types of strategies occurred that generated some results and become more popular. The question that every small business owner could encounter is which strategy to select and why. You can find a solution in inbound marketing, which has several advantages for organizations. An integrated inbound marketing strategy is possible to drive up to 1270% ROI. Let’s dive into the article and learn about the benefits of inbound marketing and how it works.

What is Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a term that is often used in the marketing world that focuses on creating and sharing content that attracts people to your brand. It’s about creating content that is relevant and interesting to your target audience and then promoting it through various channels in order to attract new customers or clients.

The Benefits of Inbound Marketing to Business

The benefits of inbound marketing can not be seen within a short period. In other words, it’s a significant financial investment in your company that will pay off with reliable outcomes. Search engine optimization, content marketing, and social media marketing are some of the channels that can be used in inbound marketing. The website should be kept at a high-level today since inbound marketing is very important for bringing customers to your website. The benefits of inbound marketing follow:

1.  Cost Effective Strategy

Unlike other strategies like advertising, inbound marketing is cost-effective and will not require enough money from you. Saving money this way will be beneficial for you. What you need are the website and the quality content. The core of inbound marketing is content, so it’s critical to provide interesting, educational content that speaks to your target audience.

2.  Brand Awareness and Credibility

Having quality and well-optimized content will improve your visibility in search engines. It is clear that the potential buyer explores the website before making a decision to buy. Sharing your experience with your content will arouse trust within your customers and readers, which will lead to sales. That’s the fact that advertisement is less preferred by 80% of business decision-makers than a series of articles. By focusing on this, you will strengthen the website’s reputation.

3.  Organic Traffic and High-Quality Leads

If your website has high-quality, SEO-friendly content, Google will move it to the front page. That will generate high organic traffic and your website will be visible for a long time. Inbound marketing promises long-term results. Bringing your website to this level will be easier to turn your buyer personas into leads. These people are more likely to make a purchase from your website.

Stages of Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing requires some important facts to pay attention to. You cannot succeed if you do not pay attention to the details. By performing a detail-oriented approach to each stage of the strategy, you will ensure that your campaigns work well and effectively. To achieve this, you need to:

●   Know Your Buyer Persona

This stage is in the very beginning and is the most important one as you are defining your potential customers. Without having a clear target audience, your upcoming strategies will not perform well and you will waste your time and efforts. There are some questions that can help to define your target audience:

  • What group of people is my target audience?
  • What problems do they face?
  • What do they think?
  • What are they interested in the most?
  • How does my service/product solve their problems?

These kinds of questions will help you define your target audience and conduct your campaign based on them.

●   Attract More Visitors

After having a clear idea about your target audience, you can create quality content that resonates with them and helps them solve their problems. Giving value to your audience will always work. That includes blogging, making videos sharing some e-books, infographics, case studies, and so on. All of these should be relevant to your customer. After that, you need to find the best possible ways to reach your content to your audience.

●  Convert Readers Into Leads

If you have a large audience, that confirms you had succeeded in the first stage. Now, you need to convert your readers into leads. This stage is not easy at all. If follows, get your readers’ contacts and keep them as potential customers. In this stage, you need to focus on your well-structured and written landing pages to convince your reader to trust you and sign up for your newsletter. Effective CTA buttons and sign-up forms can help in this journey.

●   Nurture Your Leads to Customers

This part, we can say, can be rather a sensitive stage, as you need to make your leads purchase from you, avoiding losing them. That can happen when you start bothering your leads too much, sending them too many emails, for example, or publishing irrelevant content. As a result, your leads will become fatigued from you. To avoid this kind of situation, it is important to measure everything and step by step convert your leads into your customer. This can be implemented by offering some discounts, improving the FAQ section so that reader finds their answers before buying, and so on.

●   Customer Loyalty

When the customer makes a purchase from you that is not enough and is not the end, delighting your customers will ensure that they are happy with your service or product and feel confident to make another purchase. At this stage, you will realize that keeping your potential customers loyal will be more meaningful and easy than finding new customers. It is more possible that customers turn to your brand promoters. Keeping this in mind will make you more creative and effective in your approaches.

Sum Up

Overall, inbound marketing requires time and will work for your startup or small business if you have a strict budget. This cost-effective strategy will have long-term results, increasing your brand awareness. What you need to do, is define your target audience, produce high-quality content and work on converting your leads to potential customers. You need to remember that details always matter.

Aram Sanamyan is an SEO specialist at Andava Digital Marketing Agency. Apart from his work, he enjoys producing highly informative and educational articles for his audience about Digital Marketing, specializing in content writing. During his free time, he prefers to play chess and watch football.