France is one of the most popular and beautiful tourist destinations in the world. Whether you are visiting France for a business trip or as a tourist, some places are worth paying a visit.

Disneyland from Paris, The Eiffel Tower, museums are some of the most popular tourist attractions, to name a few.

Some tourists refer to Paris as a city of lights considering their culture, surroundings, and friendly people.  Here are things to do and know before going to France

Passport and Visa for American citizens

For American citizens, going to France is easier. Because as American citizens, you will not need a visa to go to Paris.

If you have a passport that is not going to expire for at least three more months, you are good to go. American passport with one blank space for a stamp works for travel as well as business purposes.

Without a visa, you can travel to France or all other Schengen Area. However, salaried employees need to have a valid work permit that replaces the visa. The work permit is required on border control.

Also, you might want to get some medical tests done and take some vaccines before you travel to France.

Ticket booking

Considering you have a passport ready, you need to buy an airway ticket.

There are plenty of options to find a New York-Paris flight or to book an Atlanta-Paris flight. New York to Paris flights for the round trip are around $350 to $600.

From Atlanta, the rates are a bit higher. You will get a round trip ticket to Paris at around $1150 to $1380. Booking your ticket in advance might save you some dollars.

Transport options in France

Once in France for travel, you might want to know ways to travel in France. Well, many people recommend the option of trains. Trains are the safest and cheaper to travel. The trains run till midnight and are guarded by security workers.

They also have bus transport systems to travel in the city. Buses are suitable for short-distance travel and are available at cheaper rates.

Apart from these, France has Metros in some areas for faster travel and waterways transports too.

Read More: Finding work in France as an ex-pat

French culture and people

You will find many English speaking people in the big cities in France. They know the American language and are happy to help you in English. However, if you know some french phrases and words, french people will show their love.

Shopkeepers or workers in a hotel will communicate in English with you. But they will get more friendly if you know a bit about their language too. It’s normal human nature. Compliment French culture and people while you are enjoying the beauty of France.

French culture adores fine art, fashion, cuisine, and architecture. Museums in France hold amazing cultural creativity, which you must visit while in France.

Travel essentials and tips

First of all, you will need French currency in France. Carrying some Euros with you is a necessity. With GPS and Maps, you are less likely to forget your way back to your hotel.

Taking care of your luggage and valuables is essential. Don’t leave any valuables in a rental car. If you are visiting France for the first time, get aware of transport safety.These five things pretty much sum up your trip from America to France.