Your Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Your Dentures for Effective Oral Health

Dentures, either partial or complete, help boost the self-image and confidence of those who might be self-conscious about their pearly whites. For that, here’s a user-friendly manual as to how to maintain it in its best possible shape the next time you get your dentures in Hilliard.

  1. Rinsing after meals: After completing your meal, it is essential to rinse the denture to remove any food debris and temporary plaque buildup to keep them in good condition. Do keep in mind to use room temperature water while rinsing them.
  1. Cleanse the palate: Cleaning the dentures would not suffice, and therefore one must brush them using a soft-bristled toothbrush after meals. Gently clean the tongue, inner cheeks, and the roof of your mouth using non-abrasive toothpaste as an accompaniment while brushing. Use of mouthwash is also beneficial either after removing the dentures or using a mouthwash made for denture wearers.
  1. Brush the dentures: Dentists highly recommend that dentists brush the dentures at least once daily; however, it is even better to brush them twice a day. Ideally, brush them once after you awake and before going to sleep at night.
  1. Soaking of dentures: When soaking dentures, soak them in either room temperature water or a dentist’s recommended or prescribed denture solution. At any cost, do not soak it in hot water as it will warp the denture.
  1. Rinse the dentures if it’s soaked in denture solution: Before putting the dentures back in, ensure that they have been thoroughly rinsed if it was soaking in a denture solution. Denture solutions contain chemicals that could cause vomiting, burns, or pains if ingested.
  1. Flossing: If the dentures are partial dentures, do floss gently to remove any particles of food or debris stuck that would cause bacteria to build up and stain.
  1. Regular dentist checkups: Once every six months, a dental checkup is necessary to see the overall oral health while using dentures and get them professionally cleaned. The dentist can also adjust the denture in case of any loose-fitting of the dentures or any discomfort experienced while wearing dentures.
  1. Avoiding a few things: Any abrasive kinds of toothpaste, hot water for storing dentures in, whitening toothpaste since it contains peroxide, and any bleaching agents as it weakens the dentures and changes their color.

Your dentist will inform you about all the do’s and don’ts clearly. Additionally, following the tips mentioned above will ensure that oral health is protected!

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