The evolution of a Mac produced by Apple continues and there are a growing number of features that can greatly improve user experience. All these features aim to help users to derive most out of their Mac, for a better user experience. Most of the tricks and tips are not complex and can easily be executed. However, many Mac users simply do not know about them. This article provides a list of 10 best ticks, tips and time savers for Mac computers.

1. iPad screening feature

It is possible to use an iPad as a second screen for your Mac. Technically it is not difficult and only requires compatibility between the devices. If your iPad and the Mac are compatible to run MacOS Catalina and iPad OS 13, it is possible to connect your iPad to your Mac as a second screen. This can be done either through your charging cable or through Bluetooth. In both cases, the iPad will be connected and can be used as an alternative screen on your iMac or MacBook.

2. iPad as a graphics table

Similar to the screen option described above, a user can turn an iPad into a graphics tablet. This helps improve customer experience of both iPad and Mac users. This can be done by connecting the two devices, but it is a little bit more complicated than the screening feature. There are four conditions that must be met to use an iPad as a graphics tablet on your Mac. The first condition is a compatible Mac with the recent OS such as Catalina. The second condition is ensuring that the iPad that is compatible with iPadOS 13 or higher. Thirdly, both devices must be logged into the same iCloud. Finally, you will need a Mac app such as Sidecar to use the iPad as the graphics tablet.

3. Automatic dark mode on your Mac

A new Mac running the Catalina OS allows its users to set up Dark Mode that comes on at a certain time each day automatically. This enhances the mode characteristics from previous Mac versions. Depending on the time of day, the mode will change automatically reflecting the Catalina Island on your desktop.

4. The lost Mac detection

Another great trick related to a Mac is its unique feature when it is lost. If any of your Apple devices have been lost, you can use the Find My iPhone service to track your device, even if it is offline. This helps improve tracking and allows users to recover lost devices easily using the service provided by Apple. Unlike previous versions that tracked the Mac through the internet, the new version links to Bluetooth to improve tracking. Hence, it is a good reason to turn on Bluetooth on your computer. In addition, a new Mac has the lock activation feature, to protect your device efficiently.

5. Improved mail management

A new Mac also enables users to better manage e-mail inboxes. If you are tired of thousands of unread messages, you can easily block undesired senders and send messages automatically into trash. Furthermore, Apple have also made unsubscribing from emails easy and straightforward.

6. A new feature for movie videos

The new Mac provides a great feature that reduces the gap between itself and the iPhone, as Macs now allow users to create slideshows from photos and videos to create a movie that will show your memories in a new format. You can also add music to your movie to make it more personal. The easy link between Mac and iPhone devices make this feature extremely useful.

7. More privacy protection

Macs now have a new feature – ‘Sign in With Apple’ that will help to improve the protection of your personal information. This feature on apps ensure that Apple does not share your data with others, thereby improving the safety of your data. This is especially important in today’s environment, with increasing data breaches and cyber security problems. Therefore, the newest Mac is more secure compared to previous versions because of additional built-in features.

Read More: Excellent Ideas to Optimize Your Macbook’s Storage

8. Better communication with your computer

The new Mac allows its users to listen and talk back. This is a new feature on the MacOS Sierra but it was further improved and enhanced by Siri to make it easier for users. This tends to improve customer engagement and satisfaction with the Mac. In addition, the advanced Siri allows the user to change computer functions and do other manipulations with the system. Rivals such as Windows do not have this feature, which makes Mac devices more attractive to potential customers.

9. You can run Windows

Although it can be obsolete to many Mac users, Apple’s system enables Mac users to run Windows. In some cases, it is very helpful, as there are some games and software packages that are not available on Mac by themselves. There are different apps and utilities that help in running Windows programs and apps. You can find more information on how to manage startup programs on a mac.

10. Improved screenshot feature

Windows does not allow its users to easily take screenshots of their device. Too the contrary, the Mac enables you to take screenshots of any size. It is much easier and more comfortable to use the Mac to easily manipulate your screen and take any kind of shot required. This is an additional feature that is available on recent Catalina and Mojave OS. In addition, Macs also provide a preview of your screenshot you are about to take, which further improves user experience.

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