3 Interesting Health Care Treatments

As long as people have imagination, there will be new discoveries. Consumers who wonder how today’s practices in all industries can improve will always inspire creators to bring about tomorrow’s solutions. The healthcare industry is no exception. Here are three examples of new healthcare treatments which are gaining in popularity.

Relieve Mental Health Challenges

One of the newest interventions for mental health conditions, such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a treatment known as TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation.) This treatment uses the force of a magnetic field to alter brain activity. The alteration has been shown to change a person’s mood or motivation. The procedure has been shown to be effective, and it is non-invasive.

TMS was first used in 1985, and it uses a magnetic coil. The space around the magnetic coils is called a magnetic field. Brain cells (called neurons) use small amounts of electricity to transmit messages within the body. When the magnetic field around TMS coils meets the electrical power inside your brain cells, it can disrupt the negative patterns of your emotions.

TMS is approved for use to alleviate major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and migraines. It has also successfully helped some people to stop smoking. After a treatment, you can usually return to regular activities the same day, although mild side effects have been reported. According to Roots TMS, most of those side effects will fade away after the first two weeks of treatment.

Rejuvenate Aging Skin

Spas worldwide have been offering facial massages for the feeling of refreshment they bring. A new focus on facial massages has highlighted its many health-related benefits. Statistics show almost 55% of women who’ve received facials report more suppleness in their facial muscles. Half of facial massage clients reported a decrease in sagging skin due to the tightening effect of massage.

Recipients of facial massages also reported a brighter complexion due to increased circulation from massages. Clients with puffy eyes found facial massages provide lymphatic drainage to resolve the puffiness. Many clients experience a decrease in facial wrinkles from massage. These benefits include stimulating collagen production, filling wrinkles, and smoothing skin.

Facial massages can also provide relief for other conditions. Massages can relieve sinus congestion with the right pressure on sinus areas. Clients who were challenged by tightened muscles or anxiety reported they experienced relief from those feelings. Regular facial massages can slowly erase scars and pockmarks from acne if you have a facial scar.

Place Healthcare Problems On Ice

A new trend in wellness treatments gaining devotees is cryotherapy. Many cryotherapy methods are used, from ice baths to cold air applications. According to Medical News Today, sitting in a cryotherapy booth for 3-5 minutes is the most popular type of treatment. Cryotherapy treatment users report they experience pain relief, boost muscle recovery after an injury, and can assist with loss efforts.

The cold temperature causes vasoconstriction (decreased diameter of blood vessels), which redirects your blood to your organs. During this process, the blood acquires additional oxygen and nutrients. Once your body begins to warm up, you experience vasodilation (increased diameter of blood vessels), and the re-oxygenated blood creates an effect like detoxification and rejuvenation.

One of the most frequent current uses of cryotherapy is for pain relief. The ability of cold to relieve pain can be easy to accept since most people are familiar with applying an ice pack to a sprained ankle. Some medical researchers believe cold relieves pain by slowing the transmission of pain messages to the brain. Other researchers cite the ability of cold therapy to decrease the effect of inflammation.

These three trends are only some of the new advances in the wellness business. As new research and technologies emerge, healthcare services will continue to evolve. As new types of services become available, they will better serve a wider diversity of healthcare clients.


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